Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

Man this match wasn't supposed to come on this early. If Punk/Bryan vs. Wyatts would have come on NOW, I would be in bed by now. Damn sure didn't want to watch this match and/or Big Show Cena match
They're too young cena!!! Giving lil teeny boppers his wristbands and that I'll see you after look :smh:
I'm not sure what made me pick Cena/Del Rio to go last, especially with the build branching from "Alberto, I'm off injury and want my title back".
I love how @WWE refuses to say the words Ring of Honor, knowing damn well everyone knows where those dudes came from. LOL
DC, ROH is mentioned a lot on wwe.com,. It's like .com and the tv product aren't even related to one another. :lol:

Punk taking it way back with the ring gear tonight.
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