Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Cesaro wasn't on RAW yesterday right?

Neither was Bad News Barrett. No wonder Raw sucked so much.

*WWE Logic* They promoted a Cesaro vs. Sheamus match for Main Event. So they likely are trying to get people to tune into Main Event on the Network in another attempt to build up the importance of the show. Kind of like how they had John Chena on it last week.
Neither was Bad News Barrett. No wonder Raw sucked so much.

*WWE Logic* They promoted a Cesaro vs. Sheamus match for Main Event. So they likely are trying to get people to tune into Main Event on the Network in another attempt to build up the importance of the show. Kind of like how they had John Chena on it last week.

Welp, their logic worked on me....I'll be tuning in tonight :lol: give those two 20 minutes and it's gonna be something special.
Ryback was lowkey one of the best things last night on Raw. Him saving his little brother and him getting triple powerbombed
Just saw a report from ringsidenews.com that says DBry has a broken neck..They say it's not a severe break and the procedure to fix it is minor and he'll be out 6-8 weeks..WWE has no current plans to take the belt off him, but that could change depending on what the surgeon says post surgery..
Just saw a report from ringsidenews.com that says DBry has a broken neck..They say it's not a severe break and the procedure to fix it is minor and he'll be out 6-8 weeks..WWE has no current plans to take the belt off him, but that could change depending on what the surgeon says post surgery..

I was telling dudes that it's not THAT serious (granted neck injuries are no joke). Not to the level where people should be freaking out.

Two things to note:

1)They spend 8 months building around this. About D-Bry being the champ. This isn't Ziggler, where he just cashed in MITB and is easily disposable (as much as it pains me to say it).

2)Look what happened to Punk during his reign. He got hurt and was out several weeks. They got through it, kept the strap on him, and it paid off. 
Just saw a report from ringsidenews.com that says DBry has a broken neck..They say it's not a severe break and the procedure to fix it is minor and he'll be out 6-8 weeks..WWE has no current plans to take the belt off him, but that could change depending on what the surgeon says post surgery..

I was telling dudes that it's not THAT serious (granted neck injuries are no joke). Not to the level where people should be freaking out.

Two things to note:

1)They spend 8 months building around this. About D-Bry being the champ. This isn't Ziggler, where he just cashed in MITB and is easily disposable (as much as it pains me to say it).

2)Look what happened to Punk during his reign. He got hurt and was out several weeks. They got through it, kept the strap on him, and it paid off. 

This is all very true.. But I'm still p-noid that they'll find something during surgery.. That's just how's been of late for dude....
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This is all very true.. But I'm still p-noid that they'll find something during surgery.. That's just how's been of late for dude....
Yeah man. But I believe in good karma. Dude seems like a stand up guy. Very humble. Flat out good person. He just loves being able to wrestle for a living, that's his dream. Not to be the top guy. He's a company guy. Whatever they want from him, he'll do no problem. 

I've said this before but I need to reiterate this. No matter what happens in the future, no one can take away the night of April 6th, 2014 for us wrestling fans. That was truly a magical night. From beating Triple H to running double duty and beating Tista and Orton. To standing on top of the announcers table as fireworks go off and confetti drops from the ceiling to the sound of 70,000 fans chanting one simple word. Still gives me goosebumps just talking about it man. 
Neither was Bad News Barrett. No wonder Raw sucked so much.

*WWE Logic* They promoted a Cesaro vs. Sheamus match for Main Event. So they likely are trying to get people to tune into Main Event on the Network in another attempt to build up the importance of the show. Kind of like how they had John Chena on it last week.
Welp, their logic worked on me....I'll be tuning in tonight
give those two 20 minutes and it's gonna be something special.
It has nothing to do with building up the importance of the show.  It has to do with trying to get people to buy the Network.  Make no mistake, WWE is in panic mode right now over their subscriber numbers.  It's the same reason Cena was kept off Raw last week and addressed the Bray Wyatt match from Extreme Rules on Main Event instead of Raw.
Mickie James and Rikishi are being considered for the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame.  Again, anyone who takes the Hall of Fame seriously can stop with Rikishi even being considered.
I was a fan of both, but not sure why either would be considered. Mickie didn't have nearly the rapport with the fans as Trish and Lita, and Rikishi basically was a very popular midcarder for a bit less than 2 years, and killed off by a terrible heel turn.
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