Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Based on how these shows have been going, it's like the writers say "Well, what do we do now :wow: ??" "Wyatts vs Shield".


Actually looks like he's enjoying life now
Actually looks like he's enjoying life now[/quote]

He is going to game three in Minny. Dude missed the first two in St Louis but went to every game after that in series.
The best thing about Cody and Goldy breaking up will not having to hear their awful mashup music anymore.
There's NO way that caused Cody to fall from the top :lol: :lol:

AxelBack getting victories :x

BryanBella involved in Bryan storylines :x
It was said last night, but all this crap with the Wyatts and now supernatural Kane, this is Dungeon of Doom bad.  I don't want this in my wrestling.

(Waits for someone to tell me to go watch NXT)
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