Wrestling Thread May 20-26 | 5/23 Owen Hart Fell to His Death 14 Years Ago Today

And it begins...
I was thinking Mcguillicuty but I didn't wanna believe it. 8)


Anyway, according to NXT, McGillicutty has been tearing up NXT. Love how they connected the names. Could've had a change in appearance, but whatever.

All I'm thinking about is this

jhkasdgfksflks Triple H not EEEEEEM selling anything :rofl:

:lol: @ Fandango dancing during the match

:lol: @ them really playing his music during the match

This dude is a next level troll.
Swear I did Peep. I saw he had the co-sign from Dwayne and Trips and it was now or never for him, with him getting up there in age. :lol:
I'm not even mad.

I guess as long as he is with Heyman, he should stay relevant.
Yup. Burying is just part of it. HHH trains with him too
Correct. Triple H also had him work with Rock when he was getting in wrestling shape and Rock gave him an endorsement. So considering he's BFF with Triple H like Sheamus...maybe he won't bury him too bad.
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Since Mcgillicuty is HHH's boy I hope he doesn't get buried right away.

He received alot of praise from HHH (Who sees him as a star), Brock Lesnar &The Rock.

Will be interesting how he is booked.

Like Peep said, he's been tearin up NXT.
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