Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Alright, NTWT Super Card time.

Big Ego vs. Green Rhino vs. Sad Gosling vs. JohnnyRedStorm (NTWT Intercontinental) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT Intercontinental title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pomona, Big Ego!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Big Ego comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 265 pounds, from The Year 1939, Green Rhino!!!

[Green Rhino walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Philadelphia, Sad Gosling!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Sad Gosling walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - And finally, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Montreal, JohnnyRedStorm!!!

[JohnnyRedStorm walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Big Ego drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Green Rhino executes a pumphandle suplex on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling places Green Rhino on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
JohnnyRedStorm drops Green Rhino with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ring, ring, ring) Sad Gosling executes the guillotine choke on JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Now Sad Gosling standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets knocked on the ground and Sad Gosling flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling puts JohnnyRedStorm in an arm grapevine submission.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm reverse DDT's Sad Gosling's head into the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from JohnnyRedStorm.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
...1 ...2
Big Ego attacks JohnnyRedStorm stopping the count.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm and Sad Gosling go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Sad Gosling off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Sad Gosling in the groin.

had pants - JohnnyRedStorm with a kick to the groin.

Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew armdrag!

[Sad Gosling gets back to his feet.
Sad Gosling spins aroround JohnnyRedStorm's back and DDT's him into the floor.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[JohnnyRedStorm is t-bone suplexed by Sad Gosling.

Gizmo The Cat - If Sad Gosling keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

ˆAxé - Yeah, you know it.


Gizmo The Cat - Sad Gosling'll be counted out.

[They head back into the ring.
JohnnyRedStorm takes a slap to the face from Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Sad Gosling with an Aztecan suplex on JohnnyRedStorm sends him to the mat.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Sad Gosling gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego punches Sad Gosling in the gut.
Sad Gosling executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - Big Ego with a snap mare.

[Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Flying lariat by Sad Gosling takes Big Ego down.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Big Ego is up again.
Sad Gosling hits a flying karate chop right to Big Ego's neck.
Sad Gosling pulls Big Ego's hair.
Big Ego gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
Sad Gosling hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - Sad Gosling with a elbowdrop.

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Big Ego.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Big Ego knee drops Green Rhino.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets up.
Big Ego goes for a full nelson faceslam but Green Rhino dodges the attack.
Big Ego puts Green Rhino in the hangman submission.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Big Ego tightens the hold. ... Green Rhino trys to escape. Green Rhino escapes.
Big Ego drags Green Rhino to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Big Ego swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm gives Green Rhino the cobra clutch suplex onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm chokes Green Rhino with a microphone cable.

had pants - Blood is all over ringside.

[JohnnyRedStorm hits the handspring moonsault on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino takes JohnnyRedStorm into the ring.
Green Rhino pokes JohnnyRedStorm in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm double underhook faceslams Green Rhino hard to the Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks JohnnyRedStorm to the knee.

Suniversal - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino gets up.
Green Rhino grabs JohnnyRedStorm's leg and takes him down.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Green Rhino with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Green Rhino stands up.
Green Rhino kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the groin.
JohnnyRedStorm gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm locks Green Rhino in the kneebar.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... JohnnyRedStorm tightens the hold. Sad Gosling attacks JohnnyRedStorm breaking the hold.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

JohnnyRedStorm grabs Green Rhino and applies an arm wrench.
JohnnyRedStorm puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm with a arm grapevine.

JohnnyRedStorm measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
They fight into the aisle.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
Green Rhino gets knocked on the ground and JohnnyRedStorm flips onto him.
JohnnyRedStorm stands up.
Green Rhino is t-bone suplexed by JohnnyRedStorm.

had pants - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets up off the ground and JohnnyRedStorm hits him with a flying dropkick.

Suniversal - Good flyind dropkick by JohnnyRedStorm.

[Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Green Rhino with an Asai Moonsault.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets hit with a dragon scerw from JohnnyRedStorm.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm with execites a bearhug on Green Rhino.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Green Rhino trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... Green Rhino is fighting the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Green Rhino taps out.

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and new NTWT Intercontinental champion, JohnnyRedStorm!!!
the yambs already pouring in for johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm

DFly & B Sox vs. Midwest Connection (NTWT Tag Team)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the NTWT Tag Team titles. On there way to the ring at this time, DFly & B Sox!!!

[DFly & B Sox come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Midwest Connection.

[Midwest Connection walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Casekicks executes a pumphandle suplex on B Sox.
Teddy Long checks B Sox's boots and knee pads.
(the bell rings) Casekicks executes the guillotine choke on B Sox.

had pants - Casekicks with a guillotine choke.

[Now Casekicks standing.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes the jumping sidekick on Casekicks.
Casekicks makes the tag to jdcurt.
B Sox rolls onto jdcurt connecting with a knee.
jdcurt executes a ropeflip hiptoss on B Sox.
jdcurt measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on jdcurt.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on jdcurt.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox tags DragonFly.
jdcurt piledrives DragonFly.

had pants - Nice power move by jdcurt.

[DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on jdcurt.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
DragonFly puts Casekicks in an arm grapevine submission.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
Casekicks clotheslines B Sox.
A flying shoulder block send B Sox to the mat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
Casekicks tags in jdcurt.
jdcurt suplexes B Sox.
Casekicks hits the flying legdrop across B Sox's neck.
Casekicks goes off the top nailing B Sox with a flying elbow drop to the gut.

had pants - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[B Sox gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
B Sox sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
B Sox drags Casekicks to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
B Sox with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
B Sox kicks Casekicks in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the floor.
B Sox cuts Casekicks with a blade.
Casekicks is bleeding as a result.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes the jumping sidekick on B Sox.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox and Casekicks move back into the ring.
B Sox spinning mule kicks Casekicks.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
Casekicks punches DragonFly repeatedly.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
DragonFly tags in B Sox.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox measures jdcurt up and drops a closed fist.

had pants - B Sox executes a fist drop.

[B Sox gets up.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Mexican hiptoss executed by jdcurt.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
DragonFly kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt and DragonFly go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
jdcurt executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
jdcurt gets up.
DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt hiptosses DragonFly.
DragonFly is up again.
jdcurt and DragonFly move back into the ring.
jdcurt tackles DragonFly.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox punches jdcurt in the head.
B Sox brings in DragonFly for DFly & B Sox.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
DragonFly executes a huge gutbuster on Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a choke hold.

[Casekicks applies an arm wrench to B Sox.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
B Sox clotheslines jdcurt.
jdcurt tags Casekicks.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - koppo kick!

[B Sox covers jdcurt hooking the leg.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
jdcurt kicks out.

had pants - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like jdcurt.

[jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
Casekicks gets hit with a back heel kick.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox fist drops Casekicks on the mat.
B Sox is up again.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
jdcurt goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps B Sox.
Casekicks sets B Sox up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox dropkicks Casekicks.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox tags in DragonFly.
jdcurt drives a forearm into DragonFly.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of jdcurt.
DragonFly get nailed with a double axhandle chop from jdcurt.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
The ref starts the count.
DragonFly kicks out.

had pants - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
B Sox hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly knees jdcurt and rolls back to his feet.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
B Sox mule kicks jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! jdcurt is being double teamed!

[B Sox is hit with a backward kick.
B Sox hits jdcurt with the back of his elbow.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
B Sox leg lariats Casekicks, sending him to the mat.

Suniversal - leg lariat!

[B Sox knocks Casekicks into Teddy Long taking out the referee.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Casekicks.
Now B Sox standing.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox takes Casekicks down with a knee.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles piledrives Casekicks.
Casekicks gets up.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is up again.
Casekicks is up again.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
B Sox hits a reverse DDT on Casekicks.
B Sox goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, and new NTWT Tag Team champions, DFly & B Sox!!!

@B Sox *fist bump* :pimp:

22Styles vs. Peep Game (NTWT United States) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT United States title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Houston, Peep Game!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Peep Game comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from GHIMS' Apartment he holds the NTWT United States title belt, 22Styles!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[22Styles walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Peep Game checks out the ring.
Teddy Long checks 22Styles's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) Peep Game gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles takes a jumping neck snap.

[22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game short lariats 22Styles.
22Styles gets up.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Gizmo The Cat - forearm choke!

[Peep Game uppercuts 22Styles.
Peep Game with a headbutt on 22Styles.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles's leg and takes him down.
Peep Game puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on Peep Game.
22Styles stands up.
Peep Game stands up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game knifehand chops 22Styles.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game kicks 22Styles in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game sends 22Styles to ringside.

Suniversal - Peep Game can't get a pin at ringside.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Peep Game throws a chair at 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match!

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles and Peep Game move back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game with an exploder suplex on 22Styles.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game puts a knee to 22Styles's back and pulls hims arms back.
Teddy Long asks 22Styles if he quits.
... Peep Game tightens the hold. ... ... 22Styles trys to escape. Peep Game breaks the hold.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.
Peep Game stands up.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game executes a headlock takedown.
22Styles gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep Game.
The ref starts the count.
22Styles kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

had pants - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[Peep Game rakes his fingers across 22Styles's back.
Peep Game legsweeps 22Styles.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game fist drops 22Styles on the mat.
Now 22Styles standing.
Peep Game nails 22Styles with a double underhook suplex.
Peep Game drags 22Styles to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

Gizmo The Cat - Blood is all over ringside.

[22Styles is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game executes the airplane spin and throws 22Styles onto the floor.
Peep Game picks 22Styles up and side suplexes him to the floor.
Peep Game is up again.
They head back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets rolling elbowed by 22Styles.
22Styles locks him in the Koji Clutch.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... Peep Game trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. Peep Game taps out.

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT United States champion, 22Styles!!!
22stylez 22stylez retains

11 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT Hardcore)

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 11 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 11 men are at the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Deek executes the guillotine choke on John2st.
Deek moves back to his feet.
Deek goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on John2st.
John2st gets up.
Deek with an Aztecan suplex on John2st sends him to the mat.
Deek grabs John2st and applies an arm wrench.
John2st is up again.
Deek hits a kneeling headbutt to John2st's groin.
Deek hits John2st with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Deek is back on his feet.
John2st moves back to his feet.
After getadvantage m->wnum = 11 John2st hits the fallaway slam on Deek.
John2st is up again.
Deek gets up.
John2st goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st with a flying double foot stomp.

[John2st gets up.
John2st puts Deek in an arm grapevine submission.
Deek gets up.
Deek hiptosses John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st uses a closed fist on Deek.
John2st goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Deek.
Now John2st standing.
Deek gets up.
Deek grabs John2st's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.

Suniversal - Good head and arm suplex by Deek.

[Now Deek standing.
John2st moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of JRA Da Great's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking JRA Da Great to the mat.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
MeanGene slaps the face of JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene is up again.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from MeanGene.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great powerbombs MeanGene.
JRA Da Great clotheslines MeanGene.

had pants - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
MeanGene grabs JRA Da Great's arm and strkes his chest.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying Tomahawk by MeanGene sends JRA Da Great down to the mat.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends MeanGene to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great trys for a cross-body block but MeanGene avoids it.
JRA Da Great lifts MeanGene up and drops him on his knee.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great with a back breaker.


Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee executes a corkscrew legdrop on DCAllAmerican.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
DCAllAmerican gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican connects with a somersault slam on Rob P Zee.
DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[DCAllAmerican is up again.
Rob P Zee is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee neck snaps DCAllAmerican.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling hits DCAllAmerican with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes 4wrestling to the mat with authority.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican catches 4wrestling leg, but 4wrestling reverses it with an enzuigiri to DCAllAmerican's head.
DCAllAmerican jumps onto 4wrestling's shoulders, twists, and DDT's him onto the mat
4wrestling climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - DCAllAmerican is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[A tilt-a-whirl powerslam by DCAllAmerican shows his true strength as he slams 4wrestling into the mat.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
4wrestling can't breathe after a sitdown splash by DCAllAmerican hits him in the chest.

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican with a flying sitdown splash.

[Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with a flying senton.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling stands up.
After fight DCAllAmerican executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
A flying headbut by 4wrestling misses it's mark, sending 4wrestling to the mat with pain.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican climbs to the top rope and nails 4wrestling with a reverse flying elbow drop.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
DCAllAmerican throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by DCAllAmerican. ]

had pants - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

[Deek nails JRA Da Great with a double underhook suplex.
Deek fist drops JRA Da Great on the mat.
Deek stands up.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Deek off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Deek gets back to his feet.
Deek double underhook faceslams JRA Da Great hard to the JRA Da Great.
Deek puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Good belly-to-belly suplex by Rob P Zee.

[Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee goes off the top nailing EdgarFly with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with a flying senton.
Rob P Zee goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on EdgarFly.
Rob P Zee puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
Now EdgarFly standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes Rob P Zee to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly stands up.
Rob P Zee gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly is hit with a backward kick.
Rob P Zee kicks EdgarFly on the mat.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee side slams EdgarFly.
Deek hits DCAllAmerican with the double arm DDT into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Good double arm DDT by Deek.


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[Deek pins DCAllAmerican against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Deek gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on Deek.
Deek stands up.
Deek executes a headlock takedown.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
Deek stands up.
Deek holds his head after recieving an earringer from DCAllAmerican.
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican whips Deek's feet from under him with a side kick.
Deek stands up.
After fight EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying GHIMS.
EdgarFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly gets up.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
EdgarFly whips GHIMS into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
EdgarFly throws GHIMS over the ropes.
GHIMS was elimintated by EdgarFly. ]

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS is out of here!! After fight

[EdgarFly with a jumping DDT on John2st.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly hits the handspring moonsault on John2st.
EdgarFly hits John2st with a flying senton.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits John2st with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by EdgarFly. jcmojica trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jcmojica hits a kneeling headbutt to JRA Da Great's groin.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - back fist!

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
Deek climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on CelticsPride .
Deek is up again.
After fight jcmojica picks up EdgarFly and hits him with the Death Valley Driver.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits the handspring moonsault on EdgarFly.
jcmojica hits the flying legdrop across EdgarFly's neck.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica tosses EdgarFly to ringside.
EdgarFly was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JRA Da Great suplexes MeanGene.
He picks DCAllAmerican up and Powerslams him directly on the chair!!!
Now CelticsPride standing.
After fight CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican a drop toe hold onto the open chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride sets the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride hits a Big Splash on the chair and DCAllAmerican!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride jumps off the top...Guillotine Leg Drop on the chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by CelticsPride . Deek places Rob P Zee on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
Deek gets up.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee could use some help about now. After fight

[Deek with a somersault splash on Rob P Zee.
Deek chants start.
Deek gets up.
Deek knees Rob P Zee and rolls back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Deek kicks Rob P Zee in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Deek executes a flying headbutt on Rob P Zee.
Deek gets up.
Deek throws Rob P Zee over the ropes.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by Deek. ]

had pants - That will do it for Rob P Zee. He's been eliminated! After fight

[jcmojica applies an arm wrench to MeanGene.
jcmojica bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on MeanGene.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica throws MeanGene to the floor.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Suniversal - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a somersault legdrop on Deek.
jcmojica is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television. Is this a great match or not?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[jcmojica goes for a crotch chop but Deek dodges the attack.
Deek gets knocked on the ground and jcmojica flips onto him.
jcmojica gets up.
Deek stands up.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica jabs Deek.
Deek takes jcmojica down with a knee.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica chops Deek.
Deek gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on jcmojica.
JRA Da Great places Deek on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
JRA Da Great chants start.
JRA Da Great suplexes Deek.
Deek climbs to his feet.
Flying Tomahawk by Deek sends CelticsPride down to the mat.
Deek executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gets knocked on the ground and Deek flips onto him.
After fight CelticsPride throws the chair to Deek...CelticsPride kicks the chair into Deek's face!!
CelticsPride throws Deek the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair down on Deek....CelticsPride jumps up and lands a splash on the chair!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Deek to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride tosses Deek to ringside.
Deek was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Deek. He's been eliminated!

[JRA Da Great dropkicks jcmojica to the face.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
jcmojica does a cartwheel and kicks JRA Da Great in the face.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

had pants - backspin armdrag!

[JRA Da Great stands up.
jcmojica pulls JRA Da Great's hair.
jcmojica rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica executes a neck scissors on JRA Da Great.

Gizmo The Cat - Good neck scissors by jcmojica.

[Now jcmojica standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with a flying senton.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica measures JRA Da Great up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica knees JRA Da Great and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down.
JRA Da Great gets up.
Beautiful Samoan Drop directly on the chair by CelticsPride !!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
Guillotine Leg Drop from CelticsPride off the top rope....CelticsPride lands on the chair and jcmojica's throat!
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hits CelticsPride with an earringer.
jcmojica tackles CelticsPride and pummels his head.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on CelticsPride .
jcmojica gets up.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica knifehand chops CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs onto jcmojica and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends jcmojica down onto the chair!!
CelticsPride punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica superkicks CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
The chair is set up....CelticsPride with a German Suplex onto the chair! jcmojica's back is hurting!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
After fight jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down with a full nelson faceslam.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits a frog splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica climbs to the top rope and nails JRA Da Great with a reverse flying elbow drop.
jcmojica throws JRA Da Great over the ropes.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - JRA Da Great is out of here!! After fight

[jcmojica jumps from the top rope and hits CelticsPride with a flying armdrag.
jcmojica executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
jcmojica stomps CelticsPride 's head.
CelticsPride gets up.
jcmojica tosses CelticsPride to ringside.
CelticsPride was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - jcmojica has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and new NTWT Hardcore champion, jcmojica!!!

@jcmojica24 is Hardcore.

BDB vs. Frank And Beans (NTWT World ) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT World title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz he holds the NTWT World title belt, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Greatest City In The World, Frank And Beans!!! (crowd boos **)

[Frank And Beans walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
BDB gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Frank And Beans.
(the bell rings) BDB on the turnbuckleFrank And Beans rising from the mat,BDB leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
BDB is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans gets hit with a diving elbow smash from BDB.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans hits a ropeflip moonsault on BDB.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
BDB kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[BDB gets up.
Frank And Beans locks BDB in the grapevine submission.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) BDB escapes.
BDB goes for a top-rope powerbomb but Frank And Beans dodges the attack.
BDB and Frank And Beans go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Frank And Beans picks BDB up and side suplexes him to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice side suplex by Frank And Beans.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans takes BDB into the ring.
Frank And Beans hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on BDB.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault headbutt was very good.

[BDB gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans does a handspring and hits BDB with a bodyblock, what a move!
Frank And Beans leg drops the throat of BDB.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets set on top the turnbuckle then BDB hits Frank And Beans with a splash.
Frank And Beans gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with the Street Meat Cutter!
BDB covers Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT World champion, BDB!!!

@brendasdeadbaby continues his reign

Lost the previous save so I had to work with what I got. Didn't have time to re-add the newer folks. You'll be added later.
Last edited:
22stylez 22stylez costing us the titles. :smh:

just got a notification from wwe that Rusev is out of the match, whether it's a work or not, this is a good place to call up Zayn.
Alright, NTWT Super Card time.
Big Ego vs. Green Rhino vs. Sad Gosling vs. JohnnyRedStorm (NTWT Intercontinental) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT Intercontinental title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pomona, Big Ego!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Big Ego comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 265 pounds, from The Year 1939, Green Rhino!!!

[Green Rhino walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Philadelphia, Sad Gosling!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Sad Gosling walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - And finally, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Montreal, JohnnyRedStorm!!!

[JohnnyRedStorm walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Big Ego drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Green Rhino executes a pumphandle suplex on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling places Green Rhino on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
JohnnyRedStorm drops Green Rhino with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ring, ring, ring) Sad Gosling executes the guillotine choke on JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Now Sad Gosling standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets knocked on the ground and Sad Gosling flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling puts JohnnyRedStorm in an arm grapevine submission.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm reverse DDT's Sad Gosling's head into the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from JohnnyRedStorm.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
...1 ...2
Big Ego attacks JohnnyRedStorm stopping the count.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm and Sad Gosling go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Sad Gosling off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Sad Gosling in the groin.

had pants - JohnnyRedStorm with a kick to the groin.

Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew armdrag!

[Sad Gosling gets back to his feet.
Sad Gosling spins aroround JohnnyRedStorm's back and DDT's him into the floor.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[JohnnyRedStorm is t-bone suplexed by Sad Gosling.

Gizmo The Cat - If Sad Gosling keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

ˆAxé - Yeah, you know it.


Gizmo The Cat - Sad Gosling'll be counted out.

[They head back into the ring.
JohnnyRedStorm takes a slap to the face from Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Sad Gosling with an Aztecan suplex on JohnnyRedStorm sends him to the mat.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Sad Gosling gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego punches Sad Gosling in the gut.
Sad Gosling executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - Big Ego with a snap mare.

[Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Flying lariat by Sad Gosling takes Big Ego down.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Big Ego is up again.
Sad Gosling hits a flying karate chop right to Big Ego's neck.
Sad Gosling pulls Big Ego's hair.
Big Ego gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
Sad Gosling hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - Sad Gosling with a elbowdrop.

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Big Ego.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Big Ego knee drops Green Rhino.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets up.
Big Ego goes for a full nelson faceslam but Green Rhino dodges the attack.
Big Ego puts Green Rhino in the hangman submission.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Big Ego tightens the hold. ... Green Rhino trys to escape. Green Rhino escapes.
Big Ego drags Green Rhino to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Big Ego swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm gives Green Rhino the cobra clutch suplex onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm chokes Green Rhino with a microphone cable.

had pants - Blood is all over ringside.

[JohnnyRedStorm hits the handspring moonsault on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino takes JohnnyRedStorm into the ring.
Green Rhino pokes JohnnyRedStorm in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm double underhook faceslams Green Rhino hard to the Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks JohnnyRedStorm to the knee.

Suniversal - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino gets up.
Green Rhino grabs JohnnyRedStorm's leg and takes him down.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Green Rhino with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Green Rhino stands up.
Green Rhino kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the groin.
JohnnyRedStorm gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm locks Green Rhino in the kneebar.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... JohnnyRedStorm tightens the hold. Sad Gosling attacks JohnnyRedStorm breaking the hold.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

JohnnyRedStorm grabs Green Rhino and applies an arm wrench.
JohnnyRedStorm puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm with a arm grapevine.

JohnnyRedStorm measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
They fight into the aisle.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
Green Rhino gets knocked on the ground and JohnnyRedStorm flips onto him.
JohnnyRedStorm stands up.
Green Rhino is t-bone suplexed by JohnnyRedStorm.

had pants - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets up off the ground and JohnnyRedStorm hits him with a flying dropkick.

Suniversal - Good flyind dropkick by JohnnyRedStorm.

[Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Green Rhino with an Asai Moonsault.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets hit with a dragon scerw from JohnnyRedStorm.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm with execites a bearhug on Green Rhino.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Green Rhino trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... Green Rhino is fighting the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Green Rhino taps out.

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and new NTWT Intercontinental champion, JohnnyRedStorm!!!
the yambs already pouring in for @JohnnyRedStorm
DFly & B Sox vs. Midwest Connection (NTWT Tag Team)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the NTWT Tag Team titles. On there way to the ring at this time, DFly & B Sox!!!

[DFly & B Sox come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Midwest Connection.

[Midwest Connection walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Casekicks executes a pumphandle suplex on B Sox.
Teddy Long checks B Sox's boots and knee pads.
(the bell rings) Casekicks executes the guillotine choke on B Sox.

had pants - Casekicks with a guillotine choke.

[Now Casekicks standing.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes the jumping sidekick on Casekicks.
Casekicks makes the tag to jdcurt.
B Sox rolls onto jdcurt connecting with a knee.
jdcurt executes a ropeflip hiptoss on B Sox.
jdcurt measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on jdcurt.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on jdcurt.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox tags DragonFly.
jdcurt piledrives DragonFly.

had pants - Nice power move by jdcurt.

[DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on jdcurt.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
DragonFly puts Casekicks in an arm grapevine submission.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
Casekicks clotheslines B Sox.
A flying shoulder block send B Sox to the mat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
Casekicks tags in jdcurt.
jdcurt suplexes B Sox.
Casekicks hits the flying legdrop across B Sox's neck.
Casekicks goes off the top nailing B Sox with a flying elbow drop to the gut.

had pants - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[B Sox gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
B Sox sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
B Sox drags Casekicks to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
B Sox with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
B Sox kicks Casekicks in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the floor.
B Sox cuts Casekicks with a blade.
Casekicks is bleeding as a result.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes the jumping sidekick on B Sox.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox and Casekicks move back into the ring.
B Sox spinning mule kicks Casekicks.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
Casekicks punches DragonFly repeatedly.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
DragonFly tags in B Sox.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox measures jdcurt up and drops a closed fist.

had pants - B Sox executes a fist drop.

[B Sox gets up.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Mexican hiptoss executed by jdcurt.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
DragonFly kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt and DragonFly go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
jdcurt executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
jdcurt gets up.
DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt hiptosses DragonFly.
DragonFly is up again.
jdcurt and DragonFly move back into the ring.
jdcurt tackles DragonFly.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox punches jdcurt in the head.
B Sox brings in DragonFly for DFly & B Sox.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
DragonFly executes a huge gutbuster on Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a choke hold.

[Casekicks applies an arm wrench to B Sox.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
B Sox clotheslines jdcurt.
jdcurt tags Casekicks.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - koppo kick!

[B Sox covers jdcurt hooking the leg.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
jdcurt kicks out.

had pants - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like jdcurt.

[jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
Casekicks gets hit with a back heel kick.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox fist drops Casekicks on the mat.
B Sox is up again.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
jdcurt goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps B Sox.
Casekicks sets B Sox up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox dropkicks Casekicks.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox tags in DragonFly.
jdcurt drives a forearm into DragonFly.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of jdcurt.
DragonFly get nailed with a double axhandle chop from jdcurt.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
The ref starts the count.
DragonFly kicks out.

had pants - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
B Sox hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly knees jdcurt and rolls back to his feet.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
B Sox mule kicks jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! jdcurt is being double teamed!

[B Sox is hit with a backward kick.
B Sox hits jdcurt with the back of his elbow.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
B Sox leg lariats Casekicks, sending him to the mat.

Suniversal - leg lariat!

[B Sox knocks Casekicks into Teddy Long taking out the referee.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Casekicks.
Now B Sox standing.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox takes Casekicks down with a knee.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles piledrives Casekicks.
Casekicks gets up.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is up again.
Casekicks is up again.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
B Sox hits a reverse DDT on Casekicks.
B Sox goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, and new NTWT Tag Team champions, DFly & B Sox!!!
@B Sox *fist bump*
22Styles vs. Peep Game (NTWT United States) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT United States title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Houston, Peep Game!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Peep Game comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from GHIMS' Apartment he holds the NTWT United States title belt, 22Styles!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[22Styles walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Peep Game checks out the ring.
Teddy Long checks 22Styles's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) Peep Game gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles takes a jumping neck snap.

[22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game short lariats 22Styles.
22Styles gets up.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Gizmo The Cat - forearm choke!

[Peep Game uppercuts 22Styles.
Peep Game with a headbutt on 22Styles.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles's leg and takes him down.
Peep Game puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on Peep Game.
22Styles stands up.
Peep Game stands up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game knifehand chops 22Styles.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game kicks 22Styles in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game sends 22Styles to ringside.

Suniversal - Peep Game can't get a pin at ringside.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Peep Game throws a chair at 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match!

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles and Peep Game move back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game with an exploder suplex on 22Styles.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game puts a knee to 22Styles's back and pulls hims arms back.
Teddy Long asks 22Styles if he quits.
... Peep Game tightens the hold. ... ... 22Styles trys to escape. Peep Game breaks the hold.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.
Peep Game stands up.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game executes a headlock takedown.
22Styles gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep Game.
The ref starts the count.
22Styles kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

had pants - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[Peep Game rakes his fingers across 22Styles's back.
Peep Game legsweeps 22Styles.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game fist drops 22Styles on the mat.
Now 22Styles standing.
Peep Game nails 22Styles with a double underhook suplex.
Peep Game drags 22Styles to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

Gizmo The Cat - Blood is all over ringside.

[22Styles is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game executes the airplane spin and throws 22Styles onto the floor.
Peep Game picks 22Styles up and side suplexes him to the floor.
Peep Game is up again.
They head back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets rolling elbowed by 22Styles.
22Styles locks him in the Koji Clutch.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... Peep Game trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. Peep Game taps out.

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT United States champion, 22Styles!!!
@22stylez retains
11 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT Hardcore)

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 11 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 11 men are at the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Deek executes the guillotine choke on John2st.
Deek moves back to his feet.
Deek goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on John2st.
John2st gets up.
Deek with an Aztecan suplex on John2st sends him to the mat.
Deek grabs John2st and applies an arm wrench.
John2st is up again.
Deek hits a kneeling headbutt to John2st's groin.
Deek hits John2st with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Deek is back on his feet.
John2st moves back to his feet.
After getadvantage m->wnum = 11 John2st hits the fallaway slam on Deek.
John2st is up again.
Deek gets up.
John2st goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st with a flying double foot stomp.

[John2st gets up.
John2st puts Deek in an arm grapevine submission.
Deek gets up.
Deek hiptosses John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st uses a closed fist on Deek.
John2st goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Deek.
Now John2st standing.
Deek gets up.
Deek grabs John2st's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.

Suniversal - Good head and arm suplex by Deek.

[Now Deek standing.
John2st moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of JRA Da Great's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking JRA Da Great to the mat.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
MeanGene slaps the face of JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene is up again.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from MeanGene.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great powerbombs MeanGene.
JRA Da Great clotheslines MeanGene.

had pants - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
MeanGene grabs JRA Da Great's arm and strkes his chest.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying Tomahawk by MeanGene sends JRA Da Great down to the mat.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends MeanGene to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great trys for a cross-body block but MeanGene avoids it.
JRA Da Great lifts MeanGene up and drops him on his knee.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great with a back breaker.


Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee executes a corkscrew legdrop on DCAllAmerican.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
DCAllAmerican gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican connects with a somersault slam on Rob P Zee.
DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[DCAllAmerican is up again.
Rob P Zee is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee neck snaps DCAllAmerican.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling hits DCAllAmerican with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes 4wrestling to the mat with authority.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican catches 4wrestling leg, but 4wrestling reverses it with an enzuigiri to DCAllAmerican's head.
DCAllAmerican jumps onto 4wrestling's shoulders, twists, and DDT's him onto the mat
4wrestling climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - DCAllAmerican is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[A tilt-a-whirl powerslam by DCAllAmerican shows his true strength as he slams 4wrestling into the mat.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
4wrestling can't breathe after a sitdown splash by DCAllAmerican hits him in the chest.

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican with a flying sitdown splash.

[Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with a flying senton.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling stands up.
After fight DCAllAmerican executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
A flying headbut by 4wrestling misses it's mark, sending 4wrestling to the mat with pain.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican climbs to the top rope and nails 4wrestling with a reverse flying elbow drop.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
DCAllAmerican throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by DCAllAmerican. ]

had pants - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

[Deek nails JRA Da Great with a double underhook suplex.
Deek fist drops JRA Da Great on the mat.
Deek stands up.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Deek off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Deek gets back to his feet.
Deek double underhook faceslams JRA Da Great hard to the JRA Da Great.
Deek puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Good belly-to-belly suplex by Rob P Zee.

[Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee goes off the top nailing EdgarFly with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with a flying senton.
Rob P Zee goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on EdgarFly.
Rob P Zee puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
Now EdgarFly standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes Rob P Zee to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly stands up.
Rob P Zee gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly is hit with a backward kick.
Rob P Zee kicks EdgarFly on the mat.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee side slams EdgarFly.
Deek hits DCAllAmerican with the double arm DDT into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Good double arm DDT by Deek.


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[Deek pins DCAllAmerican against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Deek gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on Deek.
Deek stands up.
Deek executes a headlock takedown.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
Deek stands up.
Deek holds his head after recieving an earringer from DCAllAmerican.
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican whips Deek's feet from under him with a side kick.
Deek stands up.
After fight EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying GHIMS.
EdgarFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly gets up.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
EdgarFly whips GHIMS into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
EdgarFly throws GHIMS over the ropes.
GHIMS was elimintated by EdgarFly. ]

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS is out of here!! After fight

[EdgarFly with a jumping DDT on John2st.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly hits the handspring moonsault on John2st.
EdgarFly hits John2st with a flying senton.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits John2st with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by EdgarFly. jcmojica trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jcmojica hits a kneeling headbutt to JRA Da Great's groin.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - back fist!

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
Deek climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on CelticsPride .
Deek is up again.
After fight jcmojica picks up EdgarFly and hits him with the Death Valley Driver.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits the handspring moonsault on EdgarFly.
jcmojica hits the flying legdrop across EdgarFly's neck.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica tosses EdgarFly to ringside.
EdgarFly was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JRA Da Great suplexes MeanGene.
He picks DCAllAmerican up and Powerslams him directly on the chair!!!
Now CelticsPride standing.
After fight CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican a drop toe hold onto the open chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride sets the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride hits a Big Splash on the chair and DCAllAmerican!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride jumps off the top...Guillotine Leg Drop on the chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by CelticsPride . Deek places Rob P Zee on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
Deek gets up.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee could use some help about now. After fight

[Deek with a somersault splash on Rob P Zee.
Deek chants start.
Deek gets up.
Deek knees Rob P Zee and rolls back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Deek kicks Rob P Zee in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Deek executes a flying headbutt on Rob P Zee.
Deek gets up.
Deek throws Rob P Zee over the ropes.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by Deek. ]

had pants - That will do it for Rob P Zee. He's been eliminated! After fight

[jcmojica applies an arm wrench to MeanGene.
jcmojica bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on MeanGene.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica throws MeanGene to the floor.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Suniversal - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a somersault legdrop on Deek.
jcmojica is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television. Is this a great match or not?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[jcmojica goes for a crotch chop but Deek dodges the attack.
Deek gets knocked on the ground and jcmojica flips onto him.
jcmojica gets up.
Deek stands up.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica jabs Deek.
Deek takes jcmojica down with a knee.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica chops Deek.
Deek gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on jcmojica.
JRA Da Great places Deek on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
JRA Da Great chants start.
JRA Da Great suplexes Deek.
Deek climbs to his feet.
Flying Tomahawk by Deek sends CelticsPride down to the mat.
Deek executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gets knocked on the ground and Deek flips onto him.
After fight CelticsPride throws the chair to Deek...CelticsPride kicks the chair into Deek's face!!
CelticsPride throws Deek the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair down on Deek....CelticsPride jumps up and lands a splash on the chair!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Deek to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride tosses Deek to ringside.
Deek was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Deek. He's been eliminated!

[JRA Da Great dropkicks jcmojica to the face.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
jcmojica does a cartwheel and kicks JRA Da Great in the face.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

had pants - backspin armdrag!

[JRA Da Great stands up.
jcmojica pulls JRA Da Great's hair.
jcmojica rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica executes a neck scissors on JRA Da Great.

Gizmo The Cat - Good neck scissors by jcmojica.

[Now jcmojica standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with a flying senton.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica measures JRA Da Great up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica knees JRA Da Great and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down.
JRA Da Great gets up.
Beautiful Samoan Drop directly on the chair by CelticsPride !!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
Guillotine Leg Drop from CelticsPride off the top rope....CelticsPride lands on the chair and jcmojica's throat!
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hits CelticsPride with an earringer.
jcmojica tackles CelticsPride and pummels his head.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on CelticsPride .
jcmojica gets up.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica knifehand chops CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs onto jcmojica and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends jcmojica down onto the chair!!
CelticsPride punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica superkicks CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
The chair is set up....CelticsPride with a German Suplex onto the chair! jcmojica's back is hurting!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
After fight jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down with a full nelson faceslam.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits a frog splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica climbs to the top rope and nails JRA Da Great with a reverse flying elbow drop.
jcmojica throws JRA Da Great over the ropes.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - JRA Da Great is out of here!! After fight

[jcmojica jumps from the top rope and hits CelticsPride with a flying armdrag.
jcmojica executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
jcmojica stomps CelticsPride 's head.
CelticsPride gets up.
jcmojica tosses CelticsPride to ringside.
CelticsPride was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - jcmojica has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and new NTWT Hardcore champion, jcmojica!!!
@jcmojica24 is Hardcore.
BDB vs. Frank And Beans (NTWT World ) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT World title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz he holds the NTWT World title belt, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Greatest City In The World, Frank And Beans!!! (crowd boos **)

[Frank And Beans walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
BDB gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Frank And Beans.
(the bell rings) BDB on the turnbuckleFrank And Beans rising from the mat,BDB leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
BDB is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans gets hit with a diving elbow smash from BDB.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans hits a ropeflip moonsault on BDB.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
BDB kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[BDB gets up.
Frank And Beans locks BDB in the grapevine submission.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) BDB escapes.
BDB goes for a top-rope powerbomb but Frank And Beans dodges the attack.
BDB and Frank And Beans go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Frank And Beans picks BDB up and side suplexes him to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice side suplex by Frank And Beans.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans takes BDB into the ring.
Frank And Beans hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on BDB.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault headbutt was very good.

[BDB gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans does a handspring and hits BDB with a bodyblock, what a move!
Frank And Beans leg drops the throat of BDB.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets set on top the turnbuckle then BDB hits Frank And Beans with a splash.
Frank And Beans gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with the Street Meat Cutter!
BDB covers Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT World champion, BDB!!!
@brendasdeadbaby continues his reign
Lost the previous save so I had to work with what I got. Didn't have time to re-add the newer folks. You'll be added later.
Pay Back was better than this
Damn! Rusuv was my pick to win the IC belt. Looks like Lana is saddled with Dolph a little longer.
Ya'll killed Dolph on this podcast like ya'll killed Rosa on the previous
"Lana kissed a JOBBER, a JOBBER, not even John Cena, she may as well have kissed Fandango"
It's true
Alright, NTWT Super Card time.
Big Ego vs. Green Rhino vs. Sad Gosling vs. JohnnyRedStorm (NTWT Intercontinental) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT Intercontinental title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pomona, Big Ego!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Big Ego comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 265 pounds, from The Year 1939, Green Rhino!!!

[Green Rhino walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Philadelphia, Sad Gosling!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Sad Gosling walks to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - And finally, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Montreal, JohnnyRedStorm!!!

[JohnnyRedStorm walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Big Ego drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Green Rhino executes a pumphandle suplex on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling places Green Rhino on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
JohnnyRedStorm drops Green Rhino with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ring, ring, ring) Sad Gosling executes the guillotine choke on JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.
Now Sad Gosling standing.
JohnnyRedStorm gets knocked on the ground and Sad Gosling flips onto him.

had pants - flip!

[Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling puts JohnnyRedStorm in an arm grapevine submission.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm reverse DDT's Sad Gosling's head into the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from JohnnyRedStorm.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
...1 ...2
Big Ego attacks JohnnyRedStorm stopping the count.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm and Sad Gosling go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
JohnnyRedStorm bounces Sad Gosling off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks Sad Gosling in the groin.

had pants - JohnnyRedStorm with a kick to the groin.

Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew armdrag!

[Sad Gosling gets back to his feet.
Sad Gosling spins aroround JohnnyRedStorm's back and DDT's him into the floor.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.

Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[JohnnyRedStorm is t-bone suplexed by Sad Gosling.

Gizmo The Cat - If Sad Gosling keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

ˆAxé - Yeah, you know it.


Gizmo The Cat - Sad Gosling'll be counted out.

[They head back into the ring.
JohnnyRedStorm takes a slap to the face from Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Sad Gosling with an Aztecan suplex on JohnnyRedStorm sends him to the mat.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Sad Gosling gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
Big Ego climbs to his feet.
Big Ego punches Sad Gosling in the gut.
Sad Gosling executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Big Ego.
Now Big Ego standing.
Big Ego uses a snap mare takeover on Sad Gosling.

Suniversal - Big Ego with a snap mare.

[Sad Gosling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Big Ego.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Flying lariat by Sad Gosling takes Big Ego down.
Sad Gosling chants start.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Big Ego is up again.
Sad Gosling hits a flying karate chop right to Big Ego's neck.
Sad Gosling pulls Big Ego's hair.
Big Ego gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
Sad Gosling hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Suniversal - Sad Gosling with a elbowdrop.

[Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Big Ego.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Big Ego knee drops Green Rhino.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Green Rhino gets up.
Big Ego goes for a full nelson faceslam but Green Rhino dodges the attack.
Big Ego puts Green Rhino in the hangman submission.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Big Ego tightens the hold. ... Green Rhino trys to escape. Green Rhino escapes.
Big Ego drags Green Rhino to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Big Ego swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm gives Green Rhino the cobra clutch suplex onto the floor.
JohnnyRedStorm chokes Green Rhino with a microphone cable.

had pants - Blood is all over ringside.

[JohnnyRedStorm hits the handspring moonsault on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm swings a Steel chair and hits Green Rhino.
Green Rhino is bleeding as a result.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino takes JohnnyRedStorm into the ring.
Green Rhino pokes JohnnyRedStorm in the eyes.
Flying sommersault drop kick by JohnnyRedStorm puts him back in the match.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm double underhook faceslams Green Rhino hard to the Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm executes a corkscrew legdrop on Green Rhino.
Green Rhino climbs to his feet.
Green Rhino dropkicks JohnnyRedStorm to the knee.

Suniversal - Green Rhino executes a dropkick.

[Green Rhino gets up.
Green Rhino grabs JohnnyRedStorm's leg and takes him down.
Green Rhino goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JohnnyRedStorm.
Green Rhino is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm hits Green Rhino with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Green Rhino stands up.
Green Rhino kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the groin.
JohnnyRedStorm gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm locks Green Rhino in the kneebar.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... JohnnyRedStorm tightens the hold. Sad Gosling attacks JohnnyRedStorm breaking the hold.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

JohnnyRedStorm grabs Green Rhino and applies an arm wrench.
JohnnyRedStorm puts Green Rhino in an arm grapevine submission.

Suniversal - JohnnyRedStorm with a arm grapevine.

JohnnyRedStorm measures Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
They fight into the aisle.
JohnnyRedStorm and Green Rhino move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
Green Rhino gets knocked on the ground and JohnnyRedStorm flips onto him.
JohnnyRedStorm stands up.
Green Rhino is t-bone suplexed by JohnnyRedStorm.

had pants - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that t-bone suplex he could win the match!

[Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets up off the ground and JohnnyRedStorm hits him with a flying dropkick.

Suniversal - Good flyind dropkick by JohnnyRedStorm.

[Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Green Rhino with an Asai Moonsault.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
Green Rhino moves back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm discus punches Green Rhino.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Green Rhino.
Now Green Rhino standing.
Green Rhino gets hit with a dragon scerw from JohnnyRedStorm.
Now JohnnyRedStorm standing.
JohnnyRedStorm with execites a bearhug on Green Rhino.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Green Rhino trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... ... Green Rhino is fighting the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Green Rhino taps out.

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and new NTWT Intercontinental champion, JohnnyRedStorm!!!
the yambs already pouring in for @JohnnyRedStorm
DFly & B Sox vs. Midwest Connection (NTWT Tag Team)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the NTWT Tag Team titles. On there way to the ring at this time, DFly & B Sox!!!

[DFly & B Sox come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Midwest Connection.

[Midwest Connection walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Casekicks executes a pumphandle suplex on B Sox.
Teddy Long checks B Sox's boots and knee pads.
(the bell rings) Casekicks executes the guillotine choke on B Sox.

had pants - Casekicks with a guillotine choke.

[Now Casekicks standing.
B Sox is back on his feet.
B Sox executes the jumping sidekick on Casekicks.
Casekicks makes the tag to jdcurt.
B Sox rolls onto jdcurt connecting with a knee.
jdcurt executes a ropeflip hiptoss on B Sox.
jdcurt measures B Sox up and drops a closed fist.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly executes the jumping sidekick on jdcurt.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on jdcurt.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox tags DragonFly.
jdcurt piledrives DragonFly.

had pants - Nice power move by jdcurt.

[DragonFly hits a jumping elbow hrust on jdcurt.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
DragonFly puts Casekicks in an arm grapevine submission.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
Casekicks clotheslines B Sox.
A flying shoulder block send B Sox to the mat.
Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks knees B Sox and rolls back to his feet.
Casekicks tags in jdcurt.
jdcurt suplexes B Sox.
Casekicks hits the flying legdrop across B Sox's neck.
Casekicks goes off the top nailing B Sox with a flying elbow drop to the gut.

had pants - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[B Sox gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks is up again.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
B Sox sets Casekicks up DDTs him into the mat.
B Sox drags Casekicks to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
B Sox with a headscissors takeover on Casekicks.
B Sox kicks Casekicks in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the floor.
B Sox cuts Casekicks with a blade.
Casekicks is bleeding as a result.

Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks executes the jumping sidekick on B Sox.
B Sox is up again.
B Sox and Casekicks move back into the ring.
B Sox spinning mule kicks Casekicks.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
Casekicks punches DragonFly repeatedly.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to jdcurt.
DragonFly tags in B Sox.
jdcurt gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox measures jdcurt up and drops a closed fist.

had pants - B Sox executes a fist drop.

[B Sox gets up.
DragonFly tagged in by B Sox.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jdcurt is back on his feet.
Mexican hiptoss executed by jdcurt.
jdcurt sucks chants start in the crowd.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
DragonFly kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt and DragonFly go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
jdcurt executes a jawbreakeron DragonFly.
jdcurt gets up.
DragonFly gets up.
jdcurt get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
jdcurt hiptosses DragonFly.
DragonFly is up again.
jdcurt and DragonFly move back into the ring.
jdcurt tackles DragonFly.
DragonFly brings in B Sox for DFly & B Sox.
B Sox punches jdcurt in the head.
B Sox brings in DragonFly for DFly & B Sox.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
DragonFly executes a huge gutbuster on Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
Casekicks with an illegal chokehold on B Sox.

Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks with a choke hold.

[Casekicks applies an arm wrench to B Sox.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
B Sox clotheslines jdcurt.
jdcurt tags Casekicks.
B Sox hits him with a back fist.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
B Sox hits a koppo kick on jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - koppo kick!

[B Sox covers jdcurt hooking the leg.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
jdcurt kicks out.

had pants - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like jdcurt.

[jdcurt is back on his feet.
jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
Casekicks gets hit with a back heel kick.
Casekicks gets hit with a diving elbow smash from B Sox.
B Sox moves back to his feet.
B Sox fist drops Casekicks on the mat.
B Sox is up again.
Casekicks tags jdcurt.
jdcurt goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps B Sox.
Casekicks sets B Sox up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! B Sox is being double teamed!

[Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox dropkicks Casekicks.
B Sox gets up.
B Sox tags in DragonFly.
jdcurt drives a forearm into DragonFly.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of jdcurt.
DragonFly get nailed with a double axhandle chop from jdcurt.
DragonFly gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
The ref starts the count.
DragonFly kicks out.

had pants - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly makes the tag to B Sox.
B Sox hits jdcurt with a heart punch.
B Sox makes the tag to DragonFly.
DragonFly knees jdcurt and rolls back to his feet.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt picks up DragonFly and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
B Sox tagged in by DragonFly.
B Sox mule kicks jdcurt.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! jdcurt is being double teamed!

[B Sox is hit with a backward kick.
B Sox hits jdcurt with the back of his elbow.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
Casekicks is up again.
B Sox leg lariats Casekicks, sending him to the mat.

Suniversal - leg lariat!

[B Sox knocks Casekicks into Teddy Long taking out the referee.
B Sox executes a corkscrew legdrop on Casekicks.
Now B Sox standing.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
B Sox takes Casekicks down with a knee.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles piledrives Casekicks.
Casekicks gets up.
22Styles executes a neck scissors on Casekicks.
22Styles is up again.
Casekicks is up again.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
B Sox hits a reverse DDT on Casekicks.
B Sox goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, and new NTWT Tag Team champions, DFly & B Sox!!!
@B Sox *fist bump*
22Styles vs. Peep Game (NTWT United States) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT United States title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Houston, Peep Game!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Peep Game comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from GHIMS' Apartment he holds the NTWT United States title belt, 22Styles!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[22Styles walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Peep Game checks out the ring.
Teddy Long checks 22Styles's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) Peep Game gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on 22Styles.

had pants - 22Styles takes a jumping neck snap.

[22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game short lariats 22Styles.
22Styles gets up.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Gizmo The Cat - forearm choke!

[Peep Game uppercuts 22Styles.
Peep Game with a headbutt on 22Styles.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles's leg and takes him down.
Peep Game puts 22Styles in an arm grapevine submission.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
22Styles executes the brain buster on Peep Game.
22Styles stands up.
Peep Game stands up.

had pants - My God!! What a match!

[Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game knifehand chops 22Styles.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game kicks 22Styles in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
Peep Game is up again.
Peep Game sends 22Styles to ringside.

Suniversal - Peep Game can't get a pin at ringside.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Peep Game throws a chair at 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - What an outstanding match!

[22Styles moves back to his feet.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.
A forearm choke by 22Styles nearly gets him disqualified.

Suniversal - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles and Peep Game move back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
Peep Game with an exploder suplex on 22Styles.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game puts a knee to 22Styles's back and pulls hims arms back.
Teddy Long asks 22Styles if he quits.
... Peep Game tightens the hold. ... ... 22Styles trys to escape. Peep Game breaks the hold.
Peep Game executes a corkscrew legdrop on 22Styles.
Peep Game stands up.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game executes a headlock takedown.
22Styles gets hit with the shooting star press from Peep Game.
The ref starts the count.
22Styles kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[22Styles is up again.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game grabs 22Styles by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

had pants - 22Styles with a forearm choke.

[Peep Game rakes his fingers across 22Styles's back.
Peep Game legsweeps 22Styles.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
Peep Game bounces 22Styles off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game fist drops 22Styles on the mat.
Now 22Styles standing.
Peep Game nails 22Styles with a double underhook suplex.
Peep Game drags 22Styles to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

Gizmo The Cat - Blood is all over ringside.

[22Styles is back on his feet.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles pins Peep Game against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Peep Game executes the airplane spin and throws 22Styles onto the floor.
Peep Game picks 22Styles up and side suplexes him to the floor.
Peep Game is up again.
They head back into the ring.
Peep Game gets thrown into the corner and gets rolling elbowed by 22Styles.
22Styles locks him in the Koji Clutch.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... Peep Game trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... 22Styles tightens the hold. ... Peep Game is fighting the hold. Peep Game taps out.

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT United States champion, 22Styles!!!
@22stylez retains
11 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (NTWT Hardcore)

Gizmo The Cat - The following is a 11 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 11 men are at the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Deek executes the guillotine choke on John2st.
Deek moves back to his feet.
Deek goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on John2st.
John2st gets up.
Deek with an Aztecan suplex on John2st sends him to the mat.
Deek grabs John2st and applies an arm wrench.
John2st is up again.
Deek hits a kneeling headbutt to John2st's groin.
Deek hits John2st with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Deek is back on his feet.
John2st moves back to his feet.
After getadvantage m->wnum = 11 John2st hits the fallaway slam on Deek.
John2st is up again.
Deek gets up.
John2st goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st with a flying double foot stomp.

[John2st gets up.
John2st puts Deek in an arm grapevine submission.
Deek gets up.
Deek hiptosses John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st uses a closed fist on Deek.
John2st goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Deek.
Now John2st standing.
Deek gets up.
Deek grabs John2st's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.

Suniversal - Good head and arm suplex by Deek.

[Now Deek standing.
John2st moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
EdgarFly slaps both sides of JRA Da Great's head out of desperation.
EdgarFly gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly hits JRA Da Great with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines EdgarFly.
A side kick by EdgarFly turns the match around by knocking JRA Da Great to the mat.
JRA Da Great bounces EdgarFly off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift JRA Da Great.
MeanGene rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
MeanGene slaps the face of JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on JRA Da Great.
MeanGene is up again.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from MeanGene.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great powerbombs MeanGene.
JRA Da Great clotheslines MeanGene.

had pants - JRA Da Great executes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
MeanGene grabs JRA Da Great's arm and strkes his chest.
JRA Da Great gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Flying Tomahawk by MeanGene sends JRA Da Great down to the mat.
JRA Da Great moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends MeanGene to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great trys for a cross-body block but MeanGene avoids it.
JRA Da Great lifts MeanGene up and drops him on his knee.

Gizmo The Cat - JRA Da Great with a back breaker.


Suniversal - My God!! What a match!

[Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee executes a corkscrew legdrop on DCAllAmerican.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
DCAllAmerican gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican connects with a somersault slam on Rob P Zee.
DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop.

Gizmo The Cat - elbow drop!

[DCAllAmerican is up again.
Rob P Zee is driven further into the mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee neck snaps DCAllAmerican.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling hits DCAllAmerican with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
A flying bodypress by DCAllAmerican takes 4wrestling to the mat with authority.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican catches 4wrestling leg, but 4wrestling reverses it with an enzuigiri to DCAllAmerican's head.
DCAllAmerican jumps onto 4wrestling's shoulders, twists, and DDT's him onto the mat
4wrestling climbs to his feet.

Suniversal - DCAllAmerican is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[A tilt-a-whirl powerslam by DCAllAmerican shows his true strength as he slams 4wrestling into the mat.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
4wrestling can't breathe after a sitdown splash by DCAllAmerican hits him in the chest.

Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican with a flying sitdown splash.

[Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with a flying senton.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
4wrestling stands up.
After fight DCAllAmerican executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 4wrestling.
DCAllAmerican hits 4wrestling with an elbowdrop.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
A flying headbut by 4wrestling misses it's mark, sending 4wrestling to the mat with pain.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican climbs to the top rope and nails 4wrestling with a reverse flying elbow drop.
DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd.
DCAllAmerican throws 4wrestling over the ropes.
4wrestling was elimintated by DCAllAmerican. ]

had pants - That will do it for 4wrestling. He's been eliminated!

[Deek nails JRA Da Great with a double underhook suplex.
Deek fist drops JRA Da Great on the mat.
Deek stands up.
JRA Da Great climbs to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces Deek off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Deek gets back to his feet.
Deek double underhook faceslams JRA Da Great hard to the JRA Da Great.
Deek puts JRA Da Great in an arm grapevine submission.
JRA Da Great gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with the belly-to-belly suplex.

Gizmo The Cat - Good belly-to-belly suplex by Rob P Zee.

[Rob P Zee stands up.
Rob P Zee goes off the top nailing EdgarFly with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Rob P Zee moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee hits EdgarFly with a flying senton.
Rob P Zee goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on EdgarFly.
Rob P Zee puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
Now EdgarFly standing.
A flying bodypress by EdgarFly takes Rob P Zee to the mat with authority.
EdgarFly stands up.
Rob P Zee gets back to his feet.
EdgarFly is hit with a backward kick.
Rob P Zee kicks EdgarFly on the mat.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly pulls off a standing moonsault.
EdgarFly gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is back on his feet.
Out of desperation, EdgarFly dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly gets up.
EdgarFly executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Rob P Zee.
EdgarFly flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.

had pants - EdgarFly executes a elbow drop.

[EdgarFly moves back to his feet.
Rob P Zee is up again.
Rob P Zee side slams EdgarFly.
Deek hits DCAllAmerican with the double arm DDT into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Good double arm DDT by Deek.


had pants - This is how wrestling should be!

[Deek pins DCAllAmerican against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Deek gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on Deek.
Deek stands up.
Deek executes a headlock takedown.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Deek.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
Deek stands up.
Deek holds his head after recieving an earringer from DCAllAmerican.
Flying somersault drop kick by DCAllAmerican puts him back in the match.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Now Deek standing.
DCAllAmerican whips Deek's feet from under him with a side kick.
Deek stands up.
After fight EdgarFly jumps and elbow smashes the lying GHIMS.
EdgarFly hits GHIMS with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly gets up.
GHIMS gets hit with a diving elbow smash from EdgarFly.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly climbs to his feet.
Now GHIMS standing.
EdgarFly whips GHIMS into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
EdgarFly throws GHIMS over the ropes.
GHIMS was elimintated by EdgarFly. ]

Gizmo The Cat - GHIMS is out of here!! After fight

[EdgarFly with a jumping DDT on John2st.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly hits the handspring moonsault on John2st.
EdgarFly hits John2st with a flying senton.
EdgarFly stands up.
EdgarFly hits John2st with an elbowdrop.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
EdgarFly throws John2st over the ropes.
John2st was elimintated by EdgarFly. jcmojica trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica punches JRA Da Great in the gut.
jcmojica hits a kneeling headbutt to JRA Da Great's groin.
JRA Da Great gets up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica hits him with a back fist.

Suniversal - back fist!

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
jcmojica grabs JRA Da Great by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on JRA Da Great.
JRA Da Great gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
Deek climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on CelticsPride .
Deek is up again.
After fight jcmojica picks up EdgarFly and hits him with the Death Valley Driver.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits the handspring moonsault on EdgarFly.
jcmojica hits the flying legdrop across EdgarFly's neck.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica puts EdgarFly in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica tosses EdgarFly to ringside.
EdgarFly was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - EdgarFly has been eliminated!!

[JRA Da Great suplexes MeanGene.
He picks DCAllAmerican up and Powerslams him directly on the chair!!!
Now CelticsPride standing.
After fight CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican a drop toe hold onto the open chair!!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride gives DCAllAmerican the chair...CelticsPride spins around and nails the chair into DCAllAmerican's face!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride sets the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride hits a Big Splash on the chair and DCAllAmerican!!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair on DCAllAmerican...CelticsPride jumps off the top...Guillotine Leg Drop on the chair!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
CelticsPride throws DCAllAmerican to the floor.
DCAllAmerican was elimintated by CelticsPride . Deek places Rob P Zee on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
Deek gets up.

Suniversal - Rob P Zee could use some help about now. After fight

[Deek with a somersault splash on Rob P Zee.
Deek chants start.
Deek gets up.
Deek knees Rob P Zee and rolls back to his feet.
Rob P Zee stands up.
Deek kicks Rob P Zee in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Deek executes a flying headbutt on Rob P Zee.
Deek gets up.
Deek throws Rob P Zee over the ropes.
Rob P Zee was elimintated by Deek. ]

had pants - That will do it for Rob P Zee. He's been eliminated! After fight

[jcmojica applies an arm wrench to MeanGene.
jcmojica bounces MeanGene off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on MeanGene.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica throws MeanGene to the floor.
MeanGene was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

Suniversal - MeanGene has been eliminated!!

[jcmojica climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a somersault legdrop on Deek.
jcmojica is back on his feet.

Gizmo The Cat - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television. Is this a great match or not?

had pants - Yeah, you know it.

[jcmojica goes for a crotch chop but Deek dodges the attack.
Deek gets knocked on the ground and jcmojica flips onto him.
jcmojica gets up.
Deek stands up.
jcmojica gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica jabs Deek.
Deek takes jcmojica down with a knee.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica gets hit with a back heel kick.
jcmojica chops Deek.
Deek gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on jcmojica.
JRA Da Great places Deek on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
JRA Da Great chants start.
JRA Da Great suplexes Deek.
Deek climbs to his feet.
Flying Tomahawk by Deek sends CelticsPride down to the mat.
Deek executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
CelticsPride gets knocked on the ground and Deek flips onto him.
After fight CelticsPride throws the chair to Deek...CelticsPride kicks the chair into Deek's face!!
CelticsPride throws Deek the chair..CelticsPride goes up top..CelticsPride dropkicks the chair into his face!
CelticsPride climbs to his feet.
CelticsPride puts the chair down on Deek....CelticsPride jumps up and lands a splash on the chair!!
CelticsPride is back on his feet.
They lockup. CelticsPride sends Deek to the corner of the ring.
CelticsPride tosses Deek to ringside.
Deek was elimintated by CelticsPride . ]

Gizmo The Cat - That will do it for Deek. He's been eliminated!

[JRA Da Great dropkicks jcmojica to the face.
Now JRA Da Great standing.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.

Suniversal - jcmojica takes a weak move.

[JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
jcmojica does a cartwheel and kicks JRA Da Great in the face.
JRA Da Great stands up.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

had pants - backspin armdrag!

[JRA Da Great stands up.
jcmojica pulls JRA Da Great's hair.
jcmojica rakes his fingers across JRA Da Great's back.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great clotheslines jcmojica.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
JRA Da Great punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica trys for a choke lift but is not strong enough to lift JRA Da Great.
jcmojica executes a neck scissors on JRA Da Great.

Gizmo The Cat - Good neck scissors by jcmojica.

[Now jcmojica standing.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica hits JRA Da Great with a flying senton.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica measures JRA Da Great up and drops a closed fist.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica knees JRA Da Great and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
JRA Da Great bounces jcmojica off the ropes and clotheslines him.
They lockup. JRA Da Great sends jcmojica to the corner of the ring.
Flying kick by jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down.
JRA Da Great gets up.
Beautiful Samoan Drop directly on the chair by CelticsPride !!
CelticsPride sucks chants start in the crowd.
CelticsPride moves back to his feet.
Guillotine Leg Drop from CelticsPride off the top rope....CelticsPride lands on the chair and jcmojica's throat!
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica hits CelticsPride with an earringer.
jcmojica tackles CelticsPride and pummels his head.
jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on CelticsPride .
jcmojica gets up.
CelticsPride grabs ahold of jcmojica's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!!
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica knifehand chops CelticsPride .
CelticsPride grabs onto jcmojica and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends jcmojica down onto the chair!!
CelticsPride punches jcmojica repeatedly.
jcmojica superkicks CelticsPride .
CelticsPride is up again.
The chair is set up....CelticsPride with a German Suplex onto the chair! jcmojica's back is hurting!
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
After fight jcmojica takes JRA Da Great down with a full nelson faceslam.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica hits a frog splash on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on JRA Da Great.
jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica climbs to the top rope and nails JRA Da Great with a reverse flying elbow drop.
jcmojica throws JRA Da Great over the ropes.
JRA Da Great was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - JRA Da Great is out of here!! After fight

[jcmojica jumps from the top rope and hits CelticsPride with a flying armdrag.
jcmojica executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of CelticsPride .
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
jcmojica stomps CelticsPride 's head.
CelticsPride gets up.
jcmojica tosses CelticsPride to ringside.
CelticsPride was elimintated by jcmojica. ]

had pants - jcmojica has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of the battle royal, and new NTWT Hardcore champion, jcmojica!!!
@jcmojica24 is Hardcore.
BDB vs. Frank And Beans (NTWT World ) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match for the NTWT World title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz he holds the NTWT World title belt, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Greatest City In The World, Frank And Beans!!! (crowd boos **)

[Frank And Beans walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
BDB gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Frank And Beans.
(the bell rings) BDB on the turnbuckleFrank And Beans rising from the mat,BDB leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
BDB is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans gets hit with a diving elbow smash from BDB.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
Frank And Beans hits a ropeflip moonsault on BDB.
Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
BDB kicks out.

Suniversal - We almost had a winner.

[BDB gets up.
Frank And Beans locks BDB in the grapevine submission.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... Frank And Beans tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) BDB escapes.
BDB goes for a top-rope powerbomb but Frank And Beans dodges the attack.
BDB and Frank And Beans go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Frank And Beans picks BDB up and side suplexes him to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - Nice side suplex by Frank And Beans.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans takes BDB into the ring.
Frank And Beans hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on BDB.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault headbutt was very good.

[BDB gets back to his feet.
Frank And Beans does a handspring and hits BDB with a bodyblock, what a move!
Frank And Beans leg drops the throat of BDB.
BDB gets up.
BDB gets set on top the turnbuckle then BDB hits Frank And Beans with a splash.
Frank And Beans gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB hits Frank And Beans with the Street Meat Cutter!
BDB covers Frank And Beans.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT World champion, BDB!!!
@brendasdeadbaby continues his reign
Lost the previous save so I had to work with what I got. Didn't have time to re-add the newer folks. You'll be added later.
lol wtf Gizmo The Cat? 
I think Miz enters on the pre-show. He's going to tell Byan he's going to win his title on Miz TV.
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