Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Ramen heel turn need to be cross brand

He need to attack and gomafter baby faces in smackdown raw nxt.... Impact zone

His gimmick" im the guy..... You hate"

Wyatt familt translates lates to washed up in deep soutj language
Any shot they bring up Nakamura now to RAW? I know they just feuded but let Joe and Nakamura go at it at Fastlane and let Nakamura win and get the rub from Honner at Mania. Is that too far fetched??
So is it confirmed Seth is injured and out?... :nerd:

What's the injury?...

Same knee where he messed it up the first time

PWInsider.com is reporting that Seth Rollins is currently down in Birmingham, Alabama being examined, so the injury is legitimate.
We’re told producers behind the scenes are already working on other possible scenarios for Hunter at Mania should Seth’s injury require time off.
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Peep Game Peep Game I believe you was the only one that notice Seth knee getting messed up.

Yep, just re-play when Joe had the Cocaina Clutch on Seth, then dropped to the mat. It looked rrrreally bad. Didn't think it led to a legit injury though smh. Talk about plans being derailed. HHH finally shows up, including a promo talking about the weight of the world and the pressure getting to Seth's knee, and his knee gets injured again. They're about to have Roman wash Braun then restart the feud with HHH to fight for Seth's honor :x :rofl:
@Peep Game I believe you was the only one that notice Seth knee getting messed up.
Yep, just re-play when Joe had the Cocaina Clutch on Seth, then dropped to the mat. It looked rrrreally bad. Didn't think it led to a legit injury though smh. Talk about plans being derailed. HHH finally shows up, including a promo talking about the weight of the world and the pressure getting to Seth's knee, and his knee gets injured again. They're about to have Roman wash Braun then restart the feud with HHH to fight for Seth's honor
Vince trying everything to get Ramen cheers

Maybe there'll be a segment on RAW with Sext sad and Ramen hugging him, telling him "Braun's next. And then Triple H at WM33"
If he's rehabbing already as it looks in the pic it could be a meniscal tear at worst. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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Any shot they bring up Nakamura now to RAW? I know they just feuded but let Joe and Nakamura go at it at Fastlane and let Nakamura win and get the rub from Honner at Mania. Is that too far fetched??
With Joe on Raw. Finn coming back soon. SD lacking bodies I rather see Nak on SD and let him feud with the Miz then go on to Orton and AJ.
Any shot they bring up Nakamura now to RAW? I know they just feuded but let Joe and Nakamura go at it at Fastlane and let Nakamura win and get the rub from Honner at Mania. Is that too far fetched??
With Joe on Raw. Finn coming back soon. SD lacking bodies I rather see Nak on SD and let him feud with the Miz then go on to Orton and AJ.

Oh believe me I would too i'm just throwing out some scenarios now that Sext is hurt. Not sure who would be able to step in for him against Honner
i like this seth rollins injury angle
keep him out til summerslam and have him come back

but seriously, sucks that he's going to miss WM again
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Oh believe me I would too i'm just throwing out some scenarios now that Sext is hurt. Not sure who would be able to step in for him against Honner

I don't wanna see Nakamura vs Joe again for quite awhile..They had good matches, but the chemistry wasn't 100% there..

He needs to be on SD, which seems to be the show that's less (but not totally) dependent on talking and more about wrestling..So that'd be an a big help to him..I have zero desire to see him versus Miz, unless he just absolutely destroys him..The big money is Shinsuke vs Orton, BK, and Seener..
So is it confirmed Seth is injured and out?... :nerd:

What's the injury?...

Same knee where he messed it up the first time

PWInsider.com is reporting that Seth Rollins is currently down in Birmingham, Alabama being examined, so the injury is legitimate.
We’re told producers behind the scenes are already working on other possible scenarios for Hunter at Mania should Seth’s injury require time off.

So nothing is confirmed at all...
So is it confirmed Seth is injured and out?... :nerd:

What's the injury?...

Same knee where he messed it up the first time

PWInsider.com is reporting that Seth Rollins is currently down in Birmingham, Alabama being examined, so the injury is legitimate.
We’re told producers behind the scenes are already working on other possible scenarios for Hunter at Mania should Seth’s injury require time off.

So nothing is confirmed at all...

If Sext is in Birmingham seeing James Andrews that is all the confirmation I need. Even if it's not a torn acl it is probably serious enough where he will miss a considerable amount of time
Damn. Happens at the worst possible time too.

Rollins' face turn was average at best though. Let's hope he gets booked correctly the next time he comes back.

Time for Zayn to flourish. Maybe Cesaro?
Damn. Happens at the worst possible time too.

Rollins' face turn was average at best though. Let's hope he gets booked correctly the next time he comes back.

Time for Zayn to flourish. Maybe Cesaro?
I can see Finn vs HHH, Zayn vs Joe
Damn. Happens at the worst possible time too.

Rollins' face turn was average at best though. Let's hope he gets booked correctly the next time he comes back.

Time for Zayn to flourish. Maybe Cesaro?

:rofl: Cesaro is locked in with Sheamus, and at best, will be in the Andre Memorial Battle Royal, or maaaaaaybe some multi-team match.
time for that Big E push :pimp:
let woods/kofi do the tag team matches
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Cesaro vs Joe would be great..Antonio is strong enough to be able to throw Jeff's fat *** around like it's nothing..

Seth's getting into that Dolph territory..Vince is going to start looking at him as someone the fans like, is very solid in the ring, but is injury prone..
I can see Zayn and Balor taking a stand vs HHH and Joe

"NXT wouldnt be what it is without us" vs "HHH made you"
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