Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Brock Lesnar's mystique has been greatly tarnished.

He was rolling as champion after destroying Cena that time. He looked strong pummeling Orton last year. But, it seems like Vince is punishing him for testing PED positive for UFC 200.

I know it's been said numerous times that Lesnar doesn't care about his record just about his bank account...which is fine.

But for me as a viewer and a fan, why should I continue to care about him? He's been washed by Goldberg 2x in the past few months. He still has Heyman do all his talking. We need to see some action. Him not being in or near the title picture is a joke. That's what his focus should be. He's a real fighter. You either want the title or you want to hurt and destroy people.

They need to start booking him better before people stop caring.
i feel like he will be fine.beat berg and probably get one more title run eventually.
Just saw the Joe segment

Dude shouldn't be wearing skinny jeans. Sext probably recommended the skinny jeans to him.

nevilles gimmick is so trash

I like it. It's actually making me care to watch his match now instead of that nowhere path as a face he had before.

Do we get another draft and possibly see Smackdown get some guys who have no path on Raw really? Or will there be any trades?

So I have a question I keep seeing how Cena celebrating with that kid from Make-A-Wish now did that kid wish really impact the decision to put the belt on Cena? Because with that I feel like a bleep-hole in thinking they shouldn't allow that to happen. I know it would be easy to do that then put it on someone else but it made me cringe in a way.

If we go into Mania with Owens and Bray carrying the belts I'm cool with it.
 So Undertaker, he was hurting real bad last night. I mean you could look at him and you could see that he wasn't in shape, and you know... it's the hip. You know... I mean there's nothing else to really say about it. He's got two months before WrestleMania. He had surgery. He came back to quick from surgery, I think that's pretty clear. But you know it was the time and they had a story... and the way that the match was structered he really didn't have to do a whole hell of a lot. But even that when he was backstage he was hurting a lot. So... yeah that's the gist of the thing with him.
 So Undertaker, he was hurting real bad last night. I mean you could look at him and you could see that he wasn't in shape, and you know... it's the hip. You know... I mean there's nothing else to really say about it. He's got two months before WrestleMania. He had surgery. He came back to quick from surgery, I think that's pretty clear. But you know it was the time and they had a story... and the way that the match was structered he really didn't have to do a whole hell of a lot. But even that when he was backstage he was hurting a lot. So... yeah that's the gist of the thing with him.

Have Reigns demolish Taker next week, then Taker goes away until Summerslam or Survivor Series. This is getting sad now, damaging his legacy week after week. He's looking like Ray Lewis after Marshawn Lynch made him play Twister.
they really gonna set up Big Match John with Corbin or Ziggs? :x

why not just follow up on the Dean storyline smh
Styles/Shane is NOT set in stone for Mania :nerd:

Meltzer on Cena's possible opponent.....

Said that he heard from somebody who knows and they gave the impression that Cenas opponent will be someone "nobody will be celebrating" and it won't be good news.

It isn't Orton. He's still slated for Bray.

Cenas opponent is set. From my understanding and how it was said Corbin "fits".
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