Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

Even if Punk shows up.. since the setting for HHH/Bryan is done... wtfs he gonna do for Mania?
LMAO. Kick him out the ring and tell him to stay out. And then bring him back for his match in less than a half hour. Another smooth move WWE
I wish D-Bry could just tell shovel how it is, tell him he was B+ player of his era, he was no SCSA, no Rock, and if he didn't marry the bosses daughter, he'd still be HBK's LIL....but we all know HHH would never let that type of ether take place lol
I can't wait to see how bad this crowd is going to shart on Cena..
Segment was entertaining, but the timing of it is just dumb to me. Why do all of that when he has to come back out there again anyways?? Also thought that would be the spot to bring out Punk. I guess we'll see what they have in store for us.
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