Wrestling Thread Mar 19-25 | 3/26 - New Thread Coming, Once In A Lifetime Special 8pm Tonight USA

Oct 15, 2000

And no, I don't have balls, but I got something in their place.  I'ma beat your a** at WrestleMania, and put my nuts dead in your face.


Last week's Raw was once again built on strong talking segments to build WrestleMania, but very little actual wrestling of any meaning.  John Cena started the show with his BATTLE RAP complete with this Word Life music, Mark Price throwback jersey, jorts, and chain around his neck.  He cut a concise, four minute rap insulting and calling out The Rock.  I thought it was very good.  The Rock closed the show with his ROCK CONCERT.  The Rock played the guitar parodying the song Jailhouse Rock insulting Cena.  I thought the lyrics were somewhat funny, but it was way too goofy to take seriously.  I felt like Cena was angry, calling out The Rock.  Last week, The Rock said he was 6'4" 265lbs that was going to rip Cena's throat out.  This week he was in there being goofy and not taking anything seriously.  If The Rock would have done this a month ago, I would have had no problem with it.  But three weeks from Mania where Cena and Rock have already had heated segments, it just didn't work for me.  It didn't do anything to make me care more about Rock and Cena at Mania.

Then things got worse... much worse.  The Rock said there was only one way to end the ROCK CONCERT, only one song.  We Will Rock You came on.  The Rock had his own lyrics which were up on the Titantron karaoke style.  The problem was, the lyrics were way too fast and The Rock couldn't keep up and completely butchered this.  It was awful and left the crowd flat to end the show.  It really made The Rock look bad, and The Rock has looked bad a lot of the weeks leading into Mania.  The only difference was he wasn't supposed to look bad in this one.

Nothing has been announced between The Rock and Cena tonight.  Cena was in a minor car accident earlier today in Philly when a tractor trailer rear ended Cena's SUV.  No serious injuries, but they are playing it up on WWE.com.  There was a picture of The Rock working out at the Eagles' training facility today.  The Rock has promised a surprise for tonight's show.  That's all we know.  These two really need something big, without physical contact, to get people excited for the match in 13 days.  Normally I would say Philly would be a very pro-Rock, anti-Cena crowd, but nowadays, who knows.

John Cena will be facing Mark Henry tonight.

Shawn Michaels told The Undertaker last week that he may not have been able to end The Undertaker's streak, but it was ironic that he's now the special guest ref and holds The Undertaker's fate in his hands.  The Undertaker was once again off his game, getting WHAT calls and even saying that WrestleMania was on April 21st instead of April 1.  As Michaels left, HHH came out on stage and gave The Undertaker a crotch chop.  We are to believe that HHH and HBK are in cahoots.  However, I would expect that tonight there is a swerve where HBK turns on HHH in some form, leading us to not know what side HBK is on going into Mania.  Will he screw The Undertaker to end his streak?  Will he screw his best friend because he knows The Undertaker is the better man?  Will he call the match down the middle?

Tonight all three men will be in the ring together.  At the time of writing this, it is scheduled to be the main event segment of tonight's Raw.  Even though the segments haven't been clicking with the live crowds, they have been by far the strongest rated segments on television, easily outdrawing The Rock and Cena.  In fact, The Rock's overrun segments have been very disappointing.  So expect The Rock and Cena to either open the show or be the 10pm segment.  Taker, HHH, and HBK will be on to end the show.

Speaking of terrible ratings, the CM Punk and Miz match last week lost an astounding 800,000 viewers.  That is terrible, and it can't be blamed strictly on The Miz.  After Punk beat The Miz, Jericho came on screen and told the world that the reason that Punk is straight edge is because his father was an alcoholic.  This is a real life deal.  However, I don't like it because it just feels like a dirty, personal storyline they are throwing out there to try and get more interest in the match.  I really wanted this match to be based around the WWE Title and who is the true best in the world, but that seems to be out the window.  Punk will get his chance to respond tonight.  Punk hasn't spoke in two weeks, so he should have a lot to say.

As for The Miz, he will get another chance to win his way on to Team Laurinaitis.  I don't expect him to win.

They are also teasing that Zack Ryder will join Team Teddy.  Can't wait.  Plus, probably more of this stupid loser simping over Eve.  They'll show the Extra segment setting up the Mania match with Eve/Beth vs Kelly/Maria M.

We'll probably have segments with Daniel Bryan, AJ, and Sheamus; Big Show and Cody Rhodes; and Kane and Randy Orton.  I still don't feel any heat between Bryan and Shmeaus.  The storyline is focused on Bryan and AJ, and Sheamus is just some goofy babyface that is being pushed too hard.

They still have to announce Yokozuna to the Hall of Fame, so we'll see if his name is officially announced tonight.
That pic of HHH/HBK/UT looks off to me..Seems like Trips' body is slimmed down and some tattoos on Taker have been ps away..
Nothing to do with the tats, but that picture of Taker is probably a good 3-4 years old.

Daniel Bryan Talks Being A Heel,

Winning the title: "It was crazy. I've been doing this for 12 years and a lot of people thought I couldn't succeed at this. It was vindication, that I reached the top. When people are doubting you that much, sometimes you doubt yourself. It was more retrospective — I can't believe I went through all of that and I'm at this moment."

Becoming a vegan: "I had always eaten pretty well, lots of vegetables and lean meats. But then, all of a sudden, I had all of these issues (high cholesterol and elevated liver enzymes). One of the best things to take care of that, my doctor told me, was to become a vegan. When you do it smart, you'll miss out on some vitamins, but you are healthy. I feel great. I'm eating foods that are easy for the body to digest and I use all of the spare energy."

Being a heel: "I never thought (being a vegan) would turn me into a bad guy. The way we've (incorporated it) it has been kind of fun. It is the personality that makes people hate me — winning my matches by disqualification, cheap ways to win, claiming I'm a role model because I don't eat meat. It all gets under people's skins.

"I've always loved being a bad guy; there's something more fun about it. It always makes me smile. Now, I'll hear my music and (the crowd) instantly starts booing. I have to keep myself from laughing, because it makes me happy."

Defending the title at WrestleMania: "I'm not nervous about the match, but I'm excited about the experience. We're not afraid to hit each other. Some guys like to fight. I like to fight. Sheamus was a bouncer for years. There's something about being in front of a large crowd and getting hit. It fires you up. We want to steal the show, even with Rock vs. Cena (on the card)."

Non-Biased/Fun RAW Preview

We are a mere 13 days away from the wrestling equivalent to the Super Bowl! Lot of +%#% going down on RAW tonight, as you'd expect.

Last week, Chris Jericho revealed a dark secret about Punk's past: his father is an alcoholic, and like his father, Punk will follow in his footsteps the moment something traumatic happens to him, which may include Jericho taking his WWE Championship away at Wrestlemania. For once in a very long time, the normally cool, calm, and collected Second City Savior seemed flustered by someone elses' comments. Is Jericho finally doing the impossible, and getting into Punk's head?

Meanwhile, Undertaker, COOHHH, and Shawn Michaels are set to all appear in the same ring tonight. After some heated words exchanged between COOHHH and Michaels, there seems to be some tension between the two friends, while Michaels also has a deep contempt for the Undertaker, the man who forced him into retirement. What will the Showstopper have to say to both men, and will he give any indication as to how he'll call the match at Wrestlemania?

Elsewhere, John Cena and The Rock continue to bash one another, with neither man showing any respect to the other. Cena is set to face Mark Henry tonight, and you can be assured that Rock will have something to say tonight regardless. Will Cena be able to maintain his focus to defeat the World's Strongest Man, or will Rock back up his former BROTHA from the Nation, and get into Cena's head going into the biggest main event since Rock/Hogan?

Also, Teddy Long and Big Johnny will continue to build up their respective teams, and probably have some words for each other. Who will be on Team Ace and Team Long going into Wrestlemania?

Probably also a two minute Divas squash match, involving the Hoeski or Beth Phoenix in some way. Will Kharma make an appearance? Does anyone not named Lena Yada care? Stay tuned!

We're set for what should be an exciting RAW, so crack open a brewski (Like Jericho would want) and mark out with your fellow NTWTers as you watch sweaty men grapple with one another!
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Non-Biased/Fun RAW Preview

We are a mere 13 days away from the wrestling equivalent to the Super Bowl! Lot of +%#% going down on RAW tonight, as you'd expect.

Last week, Chris Jericho revealed a dark secret about Punk's past: his father is an alcoholic, and like his father, Punk will follow in his footsteps the moment something traumatic happens to him, which may include Jericho taking his WWE Championship away at Wrestlemania. For once in a very long time, the normally cool, calm, and collected Second City Savior seemed flustered by someone elses' comments. Is Jericho finally doing the impossible, and getting into Punk's head?

Meanwhile, Undertaker, COOHHH, and Shawn Michaels are set to all appear in the same ring tonight. After some heated words exchanged between COOHHH and Michaels, there seems to be some tension between the two friends, while Michaels also has a deep contempt for the Undertaker, the man who forced him into retirement. What will the Showstopper have to say to both men, and will he give any indication as to how he'll call the match at Wrestlemania?

Elsewhere, John Cena and The Rock continue to bash one another, with neither man showing any respect to the other. Cena is set to face Mark Henry tonight, and you can be assured that Rock will have something to say tonight regardless. Will Cena be able to maintain his focus to defeat the World's Strongest Man, or will Rock back up his former BROTHA from the Nation, and get into Cena's head going into the biggest main event since Rock/Hogan?

Also, Teddy Long and Big Johnny will continue to build up their respective teams, and probably have some words for each other. Who will be on Team Ace and Team Long going into Wrestlemania?

Probably also a two minute Divas squash match, involving the Hoeski or Beth Phoenix in some way. Will Kharma make an appearance? Does anyone not named Lena Yada care? Stay tuned!

We're set for what should be an exciting RAW, so crack open a brewski (Like Jericho would want) and mark out with your fellow NTWTers as you watch sweaty men grapple with one another!


Spoiler [+]
someone put up a final gotdamn card up for NTMania already
^ There will be an updated video package this Thursday. (Which will be when the next NTWT Supershow will go down)

I'm doing this #*#* WWE style. Tons of video packages and basicly no one knowing what the card will be like until probably the day before NTMania2
%$*# y'all, %$*# whoever got me sent to e-prison for the 23945703347th time and %$*# John Cena and everything he his character stands for.

That should cover everything.

Oh and...I do support the CM Drunk movement.
Should be my new aka.
I was thrown off by the Jericho segment last week but as usual hombrelobo puts in perspective for this mark.

Hopefully the personal attacks keep flying as we get closer to Mania.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

^ There will be an updated video package this Thursday. (Which will be when the next NTWT Supershow will go down)

I'm doing this $@#* WWE style. Tons of video packages and basicly no one knowing what the card will be like until probably the day before NTMania2

Originally Posted by casekicks

That pic of HHH/HBK/UT looks off to me..Seems like Trips' body is slimmed down and some tattoos on Taker have been ps away..

dude, they been using that same pic of HHH for about 5 years now.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Non-Biased/Fun RAW Preview

We are a mere 13 days away from the wrestling equivalent to the Super Bowl! Lot of +%#% going down on RAW tonight, as you'd expect.

Last week, Chris Jericho revealed a dark secret about Punk's past: his father is an alcoholic, and like his father, Punk will follow in his footsteps the moment something traumatic happens to him, which may include Jericho taking his WWE Championship away at Wrestlemania. For once in a very long time, the normally cool, calm, and collected Second City Savior seemed flustered by someone elses' comments. Is Jericho finally doing the impossible, and getting into Punk's head?

Meanwhile, Undertaker, COOHHH, and Shawn Michaels are set to all appear in the same ring tonight. After some heated words exchanged between COOHHH and Michaels, there seems to be some tension between the two friends, while Michaels also has a deep contempt for the Undertaker, the man who forced him into retirement. What will the Showstopper have to say to both men, and will he give any indication as to how he'll call the match at Wrestlemania?

Elsewhere, John Cena and The Rock continue to bash one another, with neither man showing any respect to the other. Cena is set to face Mark Henry tonight, and you can be assured that Rock will have something to say tonight regardless. Will Cena be able to maintain his focus to defeat the World's Strongest Man, or will Rock back up his former BROTHA from the Nation, and get into Cena's head going into the biggest main event since Rock/Hogan?

Also, Teddy Long and Big Johnny will continue to build up their respective teams, and probably have some words for each other. Who will be on Team Ace and Team Long going into Wrestlemania?

Probably also a two minute Divas squash match, involving the Hoeski or Beth Phoenix in some way. Will Kharma make an appearance? Does anyone not named Lena Yada care? Stay tuned!

We're set for what should be an exciting RAW, so crack open a brewski (Like Jericho would want) and mark out with your fellow NTWTers as you watch sweaty men grapple with one another!


Spoiler [+]
someone put up a final gotdamn card up for NTMania already
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] well done.[/color]

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

What gents, iv been out of commision for a while but I'm finally back for good
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] i didn't even notice.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

What gents, iv been out of commision for a while but I'm finally back for good
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] i didn't even notice.[/color]
Word to bkmac.

Oh wait...
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