Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

No way Punk is winning. Why would they ruin 20 years worth of work and promotion. Just so when taker retires they can say he was 20-1 at 'Mania.
[COLOR=#red]At the end Ziggler vs Bryant match...

I like the matchup but with two guys who get constant L's this is a stupid matchup. Doesn't build up either. But I did enjoy the match.[/COLOR]
PG New Age Outlaws :rolleyes

I wonder how long they are going to keep them active. Probably my favorite tag team OAT.
[COLOR=#red]This Fandango sh-t is awful... He better be HBK in the ring otherwise it will be constant fast forwarding when this guy comes on. [/COLOR]
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