Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed


Like why does WWE think we are so dumb to think that Steph really shot out all of that vomit like that? I swear they think they are writing for 5 year olds man
Still doesn't compare to the Voodoo Papa Shango put on Warrior. Had him blowing chunks something mean...
Looks like Reigns is gonna be in MITB unless Rollins hits him with the rooster block. Y'all know what I mean...
Lulz anyone remember when Bo Dallas randomly appeared and feuded for like 2 weeks with Corre Barrett?
I saw him beat Tensai(good old sweet t) way back at a Smackdown. This 8 year old girl said "Tensai you lost to a nobody." I was in legit tears. Almost couldn't breathe. :smile:
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Good battle royal even though I think we all knew who was gonna win. And boo John Cena. Whether it's serious or goofy...I'm just tired of his promos. Just tired of him. :frown:
Cameron and Eva Marie are awful in the ring. Why are they allowed on TV? Glad she caught the workout from Paige. Although I don't care for all the screaming. That doesn't make it move.
That Stardust music is cold. All of this teaming up Goldust with new guys just for Cody to end back up with big broski. We'll see where this goes...
I like the fact he did different moves from his usual set. Even though we all know who it is. This fooled me as much as Mr. NXT saying he wasn't Bo Dallas. Not at all.
BigEgo getting his 4W on..
Yeah buddy. This Hawaii time has me all jacked up but I couldn't break my Monday time I spend with NTWT. It would just feel odd otherwise. I've only been around for a few months but it's become a bond with y'all I can't/don't wanna break. Even on vacation. My wife was like "what are you doing on the phone?" I said niketalk and she left me alone. :smile:
Cena wins what a shocker. I hope he gets a clubberin at MITB and goes away for a long time. Although highly unlikely... :frown:
I haven't saw the end but I knew the result as soon as the match was made. Hopefully Kane retires soon. He had a good run but he's more played out than John legends all of me. How is he an underdog when he wins all the time? So damn stupid.
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Yay. A Randall sighting. :smile: RKO is so damn smooth. Weak choke slam on Ambrose. And the over usage of the stair throwing spot. Damn double double e. Must everything be done over and over again?!?

What happened?!?!! I come back to this. WWE stole this from NES. View media item 1030657
Looks like Steph got the laxative in the coffee. All bad, coffee already makes ya poop. :frown:

I thought they were gonna have her on the toilet mudsliding everythang. I guess she's too classy for that and just puked everywhere.
WWE head writer Jay Gibson has been released from the company.

No Summer Slam Axxess this year.
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