Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Y'all need to stop with the Axel slander.  Ryback weighing my dude down
There were 2 Axel chants actually, one during the Rhodes match and one during the Royal.

Gave this bum TWO chants in one night when he's never had a chant in his life.

Stupid Cleveland. :smh:
In Hawaii so I'm catching it late. I'll post my comments and read all of what y'all had to say afterwards so I don't spoil anything. Boo the stretcher match cause we all know Kane ain't eating Cena. Too damn predictable and Stretcher/ambulance matches suck.
Ziggler vs Rollins part 3. Battle of the top sellers. But we know who's winning. The guy who isn't "snake bitten" with injuries.
Dolph and Seth have solid chemistry. I wish they had a longer match. Dolph caught ate that Curb Stomp(peace of mind) nasty.
Sheamus vs Bray should be a hard hitting match. They both come with the stiffness in the ring. Pause.
I'm sort of ok with the shield quietly splitting. Means down the road they can still unite? We'll maybe not Rollins. And I hope that's not deans wrestling attire. Dude looks like a greaser :lol:
WWE needs to stop pushing a stretcher match as if it's anything big. I can't remember ever being excited for a stretcher match. Even as a youth. Whose damn idea was it to book a stretcher match tonight. Let alone a stretcher match between Kane and Cena.

This. Those matches are booty butter. Sigh. :frown:
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