Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Wanna push a terrible guy to the moon?
Pit him against the likes of a cena, bryan, or punk. ( tensai, axel,ryback, reigns to a lesser extent)
Want to make a great wrestler have to work through the trenches for even a shot at a monster push, put him in matches with the likes of sanction, sin cara,ziggler, and kofi.
Nobody is going to believe you're going to connect with the curb stomp when you're opponent is completely lay out..
Great match so far. 

Gonna sound weird but I love when the fameasser gets countered into a powerbomb. Ziggler sells it straight through the mat
They really gonna let Ziggler get washed 3 times? What's the point? Does nothing for Ziggler and nothing for Rollins. Congrats, you beat the same dude 3 times
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