Wrestling Thread June 17-30 | 6/24 RAW - Bryan v Orton, Punk's Response to Brock, Henry Not Retired

May or may not mean anything, but Naomi and Cameron worked as heels last night against Natalya and Layla on the Superstars taping.  Not that anything in the Divas division really means anything.  How many times have Natalya and Alicia Fox flipped between heel and babyface?
- WWE teased on their Twitter account after last night’s RAW that the CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar match will take place at this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view. PWInsider reports that’s the word going around backstage also. The feud was decided on a few weeks back. No word yet what their plans are for Money in the Bank.

- WWE approached Rob Van Dam 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago about making a return, he did not approach them. Van Dam had agreed to work 2-3 independent dates for one promotion but after agreeing with WWE, went back and told the promoters that he could only work 1 date.

Van Dam will be working part time and will not be going on the road. His new short-term deal has him working TV shows, select live events and upcoming pay-per-view events. WWE creative reportedly has a storyline and a feud in place for him to begin at Money in the Bank.

- As seen at WWE’s Payback pay-per-view, WWE had United States Champion Dean Ambrose mock The Undertaker and attempt his Old School move. There were also mentions by the announcers on the pay-per-view and last night’s RAW. This is all being done for a potential Kane and The Undertaker vs. The Shield feud for SummerSlam. There’s actually a belief within WWE, among some people, that Taker will decide to work the match.
- WWE teased on their Twitter account after last night’s RAW that the CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar match will take place at this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view. PWInsider reports that’s the word going around backstage also. The feud was decided on a few weeks back. No word yet what their plans are for Money in the Bank.

- WWE approached Rob Van Dam 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago about making a return, he did not approach them. Van Dam had agreed to work 2-3 independent dates for one promotion but after agreeing with WWE, went back and told the promoters that he could only work 1 date.

Van Dam will be working part time and will not be going on the road. His new short-term deal has him working TV shows, select live events and upcoming pay-per-view events. WWE creative reportedly has a storyline and a feud in place for him to begin at Money in the Bank.

- As seen at WWE’s Payback pay-per-view, WWE had United States Champion Dean Ambrose mock The Undertaker and attempt his Old School move. There were also mentions by the announcers on the pay-per-view and last night’s RAW. This is all being done for a potential Kane and The Undertaker vs. The Shield feud for SummerSlam. There’s actually a belief within WWE, among some people, that Taker will decide to work the match.

And they constantly call the ring The Shield's "yard"... SS is shaping up to be great... hopefully theres no VKM/HHH match... I'm thinking this is where DB gets that title match against Cena as well...
- Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro are being pushed because WWE officials are concerned about the lack of good heels on the roster. The company is actually looking long-term in that they need to build more heels.

- WWE officials felt last year’s Money in the Bank ladder match was too predictable and are reportedly loading up twists and participants for this year’s match. This is part of why Christian and Rob Van Dam were brought back in time for the pay-per-view.

- Word is that there was an issue with Samuray Del Sol’s pre-screening tests to finalize his WWE developmental deal. Del Sol was believed to have completed WWE’s stringent testing and signed his deal but may not have

It is unknown exactly of what happened but Samuray has been led to believe that his WWE deal might be off the table. WWE tests for everything, including physical testing to make sure someone would be physically able to handle their tough schedule.

There’s still the possibility that things will be worked out and he will sign with WWE.

- Vince McMahon is having creative put focus on the feud with himself, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon because he felt RAW was becoming very bland and needed a big angle to help bring back some of the regular viewers.

- Mark Henry has reportedly lobbied for the feud with John Cena. WWE officials are giving him the feud but word is that it won’t last but 6-8 weeks. Henry taking the WWE Title is unlikely.

- The Miz was praised for his work in the WWE Intercontinental Title match against Wade Barrett and Curtis Axel at Payback. Many were feeling like it was some of his best in-ring work in a while.
- As seen at WWE’s Payback pay-per-view, WWE had United States Champion Dean Ambrose mock The Undertaker and attempt his Old School move. There were also mentions by the announcers on the pay-per-view and last night’s RAW. This is all being done for a potential Kane and The Undertaker vs. The Shield feud for SummerSlam. There’s actually a belief within WWE, among some people, that Taker will decide to work the match.

Man, that says a lot about the respect The Shield is getting :smokin

Punk competes in the MITB, RVD debuts with Heyman, takes Punk out of the match?

Possible. Or Punk takes on either Axel or RVD in a singles match for MITB. That would somewhat keep his feud with Brock/Heyman going til SS.
- Vince McMahon is having creative put focus on the feud with himself, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon because he felt RAW was becoming very bland and needed a big angle to help bring back some of the regular viewers.
- Mark Henry has reportedly lobbied for the feud with John Cena. WWE officials are giving him the feud but word is that it won’t last but 6-8 weeks. Henry taking the WWE Title is unlikely.
........and just like that it's grand opening..........grand closing.  I really wish that let Mark get the title just once given this run that he's on. 
- Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro are being pushed because WWE officials are concerned about the lack of good heels on the roster. The company is actually looking long-term in that they need to build more heels.

They only have themselves to blame for that mess. Both Sandow and Cesaro pretty much debuted as pretty strong heels before they killed off all their momentum.
- Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro are being pushed because WWE officials are concerned about the lack of good heels on the roster. The company is actually looking long-term in that they need to build more heels.

they just turned Punk and Ziggler face...if that's the case why turn your best heels?

plus you have The Shield, Henry, Wyatts are coming, they've been talking about turning Randy and DBry heel...

there are more heels then solid babyfaces.
My buddy has an extra ticket for Saturday's ROH show in Baltimore.  Let me know asap if anyone is interested.  DM me or via twitter so I don't miss it in the thread.
Does anyone else think the Daniel Bryan weak link angle is bad for his character if they do give him a push?

I feel like they're pushing it way too far and it's becoming annoying.
Does anyone else think the Daniel Bryan weak link angle is bad for his character if they do give him a push?

I feel like they're pushing it way too far and it's becoming annoying.

I think pretty much anything they do with him will be a mistake/failure unless Vince starts seeing him as you of his guys.
Does anyone else think the Daniel Bryan weak link angle is bad for his character if they do give him a push?

I feel like they're pushing it way too far and it's becoming annoying.

I would like to believe that it wouldn't hurt him at all. I think he's just way over with the fans for them to hurt him in any way. Plus the dude is just way way too good that he can make any gimmick to his character work.
Need to put her in one of them Kurt Angle mouthguards in to cover them Donkey teeth..

Just for you, CaseyBoy.

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And just to change the subject to TNA real quick..

Interesting things are happening over there. Who's in the new MEM? Any guesses? I have nothing.

Also, I'm digging the BFG series match ups going forward. I know that AJ is a given to win at BFG, but I'm hoping Bobby can pull off the win.

Best WorldChamp in years. Yes, even better than Aries.

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Tweener RVD with Heyman. Please God?

Could work. Considering I'm pretty sure RVD is back on short-term, the angle makes sense and let Punk obviously go over.

However, does Punk really need to be placed in a feud with 2013 RVD? He's much bigger than that.
I think someone hit the nail on the head last night with a Brock vs Punk fued with Heyman in the middle being salty over the breakup.
- Mark Henry has reportedly lobbied for the feud with John Cena. WWE officials are giving him the feud but word is that it won’t last but 6-8 weeks. Henry taking the WWE Title is unlikely.

........and just like that it's grand opening..........grand closing.  I really wish that let Mark get the title just once given this run that he's on. 

Mizark's run is short like leprechauns. :smh:
Does anyone else think the Daniel Bryan weak link angle is bad for his character if they do give him a push?

I feel like they're pushing it way too far and it's becoming annoying.
I don't think it is hurting him at all. 

When there are four people in the ring. One of them being Kane, another being Randy Orton and DB is getting the biggest crowd reaction, i feel that it isn't hurting him at all. The 'weak link' thing is the new age David and Goliath. Right now, besides Cena, Punk and Ziggler, i think DB is top 5 on the roster as far as crowd reaction and enjoyment. 
- Dolph Ziggler is 100% cleared to wrestle and WWE’s reports on their website yesterday were for storyline purposes. WWE officials feel that based on the reaction he gets from fans, Ziggler is better off as a babyface right now. There was talk of having him win a briefcase at Money in the Bank and cash it in to face Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title at SummerSlam.
just caught up.

Wow, hell of a RAW. I really feel like things are going to pick up well into SummerSlam before eventually going into their fall slump

the Henry segment was GOLD!
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