Wrestling Thread June 17-30 | 6/24 RAW - Bryan v Orton, Punk's Response to Brock, Henry Not Retired

Man I just watched the end of this **** because my lil bro loves it. And I can't believe that grown *** men actually enjoy watching this :x
Jesus christ, that's all that this Cena promo lea-- Oh shoot smiling Mizark!

4W might have predicted correctly.
Man I just watched the end of this **** because my lil bro loves it. And I can't believe that grown *** men actually enjoy watching this :x

So you mean to tell me you're not enjoying the NBA's story-lines right now? They have really good writers too just like the WWE. Spurs gonna get jobbed out tomorrow night, then Stern is gonna build both teams towards an epic game 7. Supposedly the writers are thinking about having the Heat be down 2 with 11 seconds left, and then Lebron is gonna dribble the clock down, botch some post moves, and then pass it to Mike Miller for the game winning 3.
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