Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Styles was great during this Raw segment :lol: he went back in time for a bit of the Christian Coalition version of himself, just with more edge. Styles is money right now, even if he's staring at 2 clean definitive losses in the next couple of months

And they still have Jojo wearing Bella makeup :stoneface:
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That boy BK's hair is LAID. The way he kept snapping his neck to get his hair out of his hair was just too funny for some reason
Dana Brooke botching putting Charlotte's foot on the ropes :rofl: :rofl: the ref just had to act like he never saw anything
I'm going to RAW next week, I'm gonna make a sign for the first time ever. I need suggestions.

I should point out that I don't really follow the product like I used to.
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Damn, BK Fashion praising WWE catering during this Austin podcast.

Ambrose was really good on commentary last night. I'm on board if they let him sound like that during promos. Even the Dirty Deeds looked better :lol: (or Reigns sold it very well)
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