Wrestling Thread January 2nd-31st/NXT Takeover Tonight At 8PM ET/NTWT Royal Rumble Info On Page 1/Ro

The US Spinner was tight.

Three worst belt designs:

1. WWECW Championship
2. All of the GFW belts
3. WWE Championship Solid State Spinner

Honorable Mentions: Current cruiserweight belt (up and down on this one often, sorry) and the Tna Nexgen (I think that's what it's called. The Moose one)
The US Spinner was tight.

Three worst belt designs:

1. WWECW Championship
2. All of the GFW belts
3. WWE Championship Solid State Spinner

Honorable Mentions: Current cruiserweight belt (up and down on this one often, sorry) and the Tna Nexgen (I think that's what it's called. The Moose one)

I don't even consider GFW in this :lol: the non-contact Spinner belt, copper tag titles, and Universal titles are all hideous. The non-spinning Spinner belt should not have been used for nearly ten years. It's embarrassing to have a top title like that. That belt should have gone the way of the Smoking Skull and Brahma Bull belts, novelties that went away after different feuds
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I'm still waiting for B Sox B Sox to tell me if Reigns and Ziggler would be more of a draw to Japanese (NJPW) fans than Okada and Tanahashi never mind Nakamura and Ibushi.
I suppose that I should've phrased differently. Nobody is going to be as over to the Japanese fans as the top couple Japanese guys. I obviously don't follow it very closely, but I'd imagine that even guys like Styles and Balor weren't as over as Okada/Nakamura/etc. What I meant more so is that you could easily book Reigns and Ziggler at the top of the card over there. Reigns would be the biggest dude in the entire promotion other than Razor's son. Make him a heel/enforcer type and boom. Great intimidating heel for their top Japanese stars to face. He doesn't have to talk much and can just be the tough guy like he should be in WWE. Ziggler can wrestle his *** off and would fit in with the rest of their roster. Just because we don't get to see it all the time in WWE doesn't mean he doesn't have it. Put him as leader of Bullet Club and there you go.
Can you elaborate?

When he came out the guys were booing and the women and kids were cheering like usual. He just came out and beat ***. No goofy promo with jokes just aggression. Didn't play to the crowd for sympathy and didn't use his typical move set. He was the Roman he was before the shield break up
When he came out the guys were booing and the women and kids were cheering like usual. He just came out and beat ***. No goofy promo with jokes just aggression. Didn't play to the crowd for sympathy and didn't use his typical move set. He was the Roman he was before the shield break up

I don't even consider GFW in this :lol: the non-contact Spinner belt, copper tag titles, and Universal titles are all hideous. The non-spinning Spinner belt should not have been used for nearly ten years. It's embarrassing to have a top title like that. That belt should have gone the way of the Smoking Skull and Brahma Bull belts, novelties that went away after different feuds

This, just like the Rated R belt. Any of them with that silhouette are bad.
When he came out the guys were booing and the women and kids were cheering like usual. He just came out and beat ***. No goofy promo with jokes just aggression. Didn't play to the crowd for sympathy and didn't use his typical move set. He was the Roman he was before the shield break up
:smokin :smokin :smokin
i've said it before, ells probably walked out of the showers after a smack down show and forgot his towel. [danielson S]those ladies[/S] probably caught a big show and i'm talking Big Show
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Top 3 ugliest belts:
Cena spinner wwe title
Cena spinner us title
That oval ic title belt

Top 3 greatest belts
Og big gold
Iwgp heavyweight title
WcW us title
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