Wrestling Thread January 2nd-31st/NXT Takeover Tonight At 8PM ET/NTWT Royal Rumble Info On Page 1/Ro

You're in the wrong state, man :lol:. You'll have to move to Florida.

We're actually hoping to do that sometime next summer..Tired of all this cold rain and crazy temperature changes..

Plus it's Ohio.

I'd rather live in Chernobyl than there.

Regarding your back issues, have you looked to go to a specialist in another state? Get a second opinion.
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Yeah man..It's pretty bad the past couple days..All the Oxy/Percs and Neurostimulation in the world ain't takin this pain away..This rain is killing me..

Thinking about trying to stay up to watch WK11..Anyone other than Jemele have a NJPW Wirld account I can use for this event?..

You ever try herb to help ease the pain. It changed my life
WM season is soon here.

Maybe we get some of the guys who used to post here to show up.
I see Neville finally got a new theme.

Basically an evil version of his old one.

And looks like he's going with the Superplex as his new finisher.

Not bad but I think a variation of a Power Bomb would work as well.

I'm sure @DCAllAmerican approves.
Will OceanSpreay does too many damn moves that rely on people to re-position themselves and it takes away from the moves he does..
Is this dude's name really Juice Robinson?..And why is he wearing the gay pride flag for trunks?..
The Cole/OReilly match for the ROH World title was very solid..

Cody vs Juice Newton was good for what it was..Couple obvious botches though..
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