Wrestling Thread January 1st / Happy New Years NTWT Weekend Edition

Meangene45 Meangene45 GG this week. im coming for the #1 spot bruh!

it doesn't really make any sense for both cena and orton to sit out SS. you cant have 2 of your top guys out of the SS match
My team laid an egg this week. Next week my top players are on bye. [emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji]
Just finished HITC. I probably enjoyed KO vs Seth the most IMO it flowed better. They work great together. Boss vs Queen was good, had a great start I was pumped for this match but the tables were pulled out for literally no reason. Wouldve loved a moonsault through the table to finish it.

Hopefully new fued for the ladies, I need a ladder match, give me a damn ladder match. I think bayley/Charlotte would be insane. OR a cruiser weight ladder match!!!
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Meangene45 Meangene45 GG this week. im coming for the #1 spot bruh!

it doesn't really make any sense for both cena and orton to sit out SS. you cant have 2 of your top guys out of the SS match

In all honesty, Randy and Johnathan aren't top guys anymore..I know they get pushed like that and have some good matches from time to time, but they just aren't on a Sext/KO/AJ level anymore..Both men need to be used like Jericho is right now and neither guy should be anywhere near the WWEWHCOTW..
Seth really needs a win but KO shouldnt lose imo hmmmmmmmmm.

This has been WWE's booking for years :lol: always backing themselves into a corner. Sasha is clearly one of the more popular divas that the crowd loves, so they pacify the crowd by letting her win on Raw, but Charlotte has come into her own as a heel, and they clearly want to push her with an undefeated PPV streak, and many women's title wins to match her father
First time watching wwe ppv in years decided to watch because hell in a cell but wow has the wwe toned things down. Didn't help they kept doing foley flash backs smh. Matches were good but no hype for the cell
According to PWInsider, Sasha Banks was originally scheduled to go over Charlotte originally to get the hometown victory, but at the last minute, Vince McMahon changed plans and had Charlott ego over so that they could get a program between her and Bayley going sooner than later. They also wanted to push Charlotte's undefeated PPV streak intact to build her up more as well.

In addition, they also want to plant seeds for a match between Bayley and Sasha Banks at WrestleMania next year, and they'd like to get the build started towards the end of this year

Well well well :lol:

Nothing there not impressed but ya like them no *** having girls tho
First time watching wwe ppv in years decided to watch because hell in a cell but wow has the wwe toned things down. Didn't help they kept doing foley flash backs smh. Matches were good but no hype for the cell

Excellent observation..It's something I've noticed the past week or two..You can't keep showing the absolute hell (no pun intended) Foley went through during HIAC and hype it up as the most dangerous match in WWE history, and then have 3 matches inside the cage and nobody bleeds/gets portrayed as being seriously hurt..It takes away all the mystique of the match and severely diminishes the overall severity of the outcome for the wrestlers..

NTWTSS-Guys Im leaving for Florida this Saturday and will have limited access to the internet..So please get your surveys completed by Friday..Since the deadline for entry is Sunday Nov 6th, if you ask to sign up/complete your survey by the time I get back on the 8th you'll be included in this year's NTWTSS..I'll be sending out your elf's names on Wednesday Nov 8th.. Meangene45 Meangene45 I'll be sending you 4 or 6 names (one being mine) for you to handle throughout this process and i'll be handling all the rest..
sashas booty cheeks eating up her tights alone was worth the 9.99

especially at the end when charlotte made a thong of sashas tights lol
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