Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Dbz and manga in general is some geek stuff b right up there with wearing wrestling shirts and collecting toys with big blocky heads and eyes
You pizza eaters are pathetic. Sitting here bickering over $3 worth of food. This is why none of you are worthy of sitting with the world's elite like me. I'll never eat a combination of bread, sauce and cheese when I have the finest caviars and blue lobsters at my disposal.
Bruh *****. Your previous/current gimmick is obviously an ode to cheap frozen pizza. Only a step up from Mama Celeste with that Red Baron Corbin nonsense. :lol:
DC you have been reported keep it up and you will be joining your little buddy Megatron. Have a nice day the sun don't shine forever.
This. These guys just don't get it Gene. Are you becoming more self aware and reflective on the mortality of man as you approach your later years in life?
You say tomato, I say tomato. It's the samething lets just enjoy the little slices off heaven before we as men take that final breathe.
Statements like this and all of that man's last heart beat talk...
-WWE officials are said to be very high on veteran Diva Alicia Fox right now. She was recently signed to a new three-year deal and will be with the company at least through 2018.

The feeling within WWE is that Alicia is a great mentor to some of the younger female talents on the main roster. She’s also a favorite of the Total Divas production crew. While some of the Divas can be difficult to deal with, Alicia is seen as one of the more easy-going female talents.
-It’s possible that we see Daniel Bryan on Monday’s WWE RAW from Seattle, Washington. Vince McMahon reportedly wants Bryan back on WWE TV and wants him around for the Road to WrestleMania 32. It sounds like this is for a non-wrestling role, perhaps to generate buzz and help with ratings.

Word from sources close to Bryan is that he does not want to come back if they’re not going to clear him to wrestle. Some feel that Bryan will hurt his chances of wrestling for WWE again if he refuses a non-wrestling role.
I respect B+'s desire to wrestle but at this rate he should take what's given to him in regards to t.v. time.
Anybody see that Tye Dillinger injury vs Sami Zayn? Dude took a simple step after a counter and his knee went the other may. Think he tore his ACL, and that's a long recovery at his age.

-WWE officials are said to be very high on veteran Diva Alicia Fox right now. She was recently signed to a new three-year deal and will be with the company at least through 2018.

The feeling within WWE is that Alicia is a great mentor to some of the younger female talents on the main roster. She’s also a favorite of the Total Divas production crew. While some of the Divas can be difficult to deal with, Alicia is seen as one of the more easy-going female talents.

Hopefully this means she can be more than a Bella flunky since she's actually better than both in the ring. She's the female Byron, but I rather see stuff actually look convincing from her than seeing Brie look like a toddler in the ring outside of a dropkick.

brendasdeadbaby brendasdeadbaby
View media item 1898673
-It’s possible that we see Daniel Bryan on Monday’s WWE RAW from Seattle, Washington. Vince McMahon reportedly wants Bryan back on WWE TV and wants him around for the Road to WrestleMania 32. It sounds like this is for a non-wrestling role, perhaps to generate buzz and help with ratings.

Word from sources close to Bryan is that he does not want to come back if they’re not going to clear him to wrestle. Some feel that Bryan will hurt his chances of wrestling for WWE again if he refuses a non-wrestling role.
He doesn't have to wrestle again he has sketch his name in stone  for he will be  forever remember.
-It’s possible that we see Daniel Bryan on Monday’s WWE RAW from Seattle, Washington. Vince McMahon reportedly wants Bryan back on WWE TV and wants him around for the Road to WrestleMania 32. It sounds like this is for a non-wrestling role, perhaps to generate buzz and help with ratings.

Word from sources close to Bryan is that he does not want to come back if they’re not going to clear him to wrestle. Some feel that Bryan will hurt his chances of wrestling for WWE again if he refuses a non-wrestling role.

He doesn't have to wrestle again he has sketch his name in stone  for he will be  forever remember.

Man what?
Yea Bull was Brenda's man. I forgot he said dude would be headlining by WM 34. SMH

Brenda has some bad scouting skills man
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