Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Dude is an all time great and gets left off a list of people with fast tempo matches? Orton and Patterson make it though?

that's right
the way steamboat sometimes oversold, hindering the tempo & he wasn't that creative

go watch some patterson matches, he had better tempo & ring psychology than steamboat
of course this is all opinion b
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22stylez 22stylez yes i watched that trash .. the last man standing match wss legit though. KO is a star man. So is Ambrose. They need to let that man flourish instead of holding him back wit this clown lunatic gimmick.
Bruh you don't wanna know the nasty things we would do together.

My goodness, she is absolutely gorgeous.

She could scat all over my chest

22stylez 22stylez yes i watched that trash .. the last man standing match wss legit though. KO is a star man. So is Ambrose. They need to let that man flourish instead of holding him back wit this clown lunatic gimmick.

I enjoyed the tag match too. Ending was cool.

Didn't enjoy the rumble? I did. Thought the placement of the entrants were perfect. Ending could've been better. But overall I thought this rumble was way better than the last two.
fell into a youtube black hole. Most of these are so stupid haha .. My dad always said number 2 is real. I always believed number 8.. what do you guys think? ( i am just posting becasue it's late before anyone blasts me for some of the off the wall nature of some of these)
22stylez 22stylez yes i watched that trash .. the last man standing match wss legit though. KO is a star man. So is Ambrose. They need to let that man flourish instead of holding him back wit this clown lunatic gimmick.

I enjoyed the tag match too. Ending was cool.

Didn't enjoy the rumble? I did. Thought the placement of the entrants were perfect. Ending could've been better. But overall I thought this rumble was way better than the last two.
yea i just hate when it's so predictable. As it's been the last few years. I get why there were no surprise entrants. becasue it was for the title and they should have only current roster members compete for it. But that is one of my favorite things about the Rumble. But I liked the PPV overall besides the predictable ending.
fell into a youtube black hole. Most of these are so stupid haha .. My dad always said number 2 is real. I always believed number 8.. what do you guys think? ( i am just posting becasue it's late before anyone blasts me for some of the off the wall nature of some of these)

GloryHoles will be in soon...
actor david duchovny who played fbi special agent fox mulder on 'the x-files" first played dea agent dennis bryson on "twin peaks"
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That damn Cody
speaking of Cody where does he go from here? He announced the death of stardust. I think they should of had him do a mick foley type thing being a skitzo who didn't know both characters existed.

WWE should bring back a Waylon Mercy type gimmick. maybe repackage Sandow and give him that good ol boy schtick but once the bell rings he goes bat **** crazy and gets DQed every match. Until the bell rings and he snaps back to reality not knowing what the hell happened. Gold jerry Gold!
TIL Caviar and Cody knew each other since high school.

Apparently, Woods, whose real name is Austin Watson, and Rhodes, attended rival high schools. Given his love of professional wrestling, Woods decided to try his hand at amateur wrestling in high school. Woods hoped that Rhodes's father, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes, would discover him and take him under his wing.

"I guess it was sophomore year, my whole thought was, 'okay, first off, he's at a rival school, so our schools legit hated each other in football, baseball, basketball, wrestling, everything. And so, I was 160 [pounds] at the time. I think he was wrestling at 180 [pounds], maybe. And my thought was, 'okay, I'm going to wrestle up two weight classes and then I'm going to beat him and Dusty [Rhodes]'s is going to be there because Dusty would be at the matches and Dusty's going to say, 'oh, you're the best! I'm going to train you and make you the best wrestler ever. And so, I beat four guys on my team to get the varsity spot that year. And then I beat three guys in the tournament to get to Cody. And then, we wrestled, he beat me 2 - 1 and I was real upset."

To make matters worse, Rhodes also made Woods look foolish in front of a girl he had a crush on in high school.

"And then months later, this girl who I had the biggest crush on, who lived in my neighborhood when we were kids, and she kind of dug me too, but I was too awkward to be like, 'oh, you're cute. Let's make out'. So I see her at the bowling alley and she's like, 'oh, Austin!' She runs up and [gives me a] big hug, like we haven't seen each other in years, and she's like, 'oh, let me introduce you to my friends' and I'm like, 'oh, okay. Cool.' We're talking while we're walking over there and she goes, 'I go to Lassiter [High School] now, blah, blah, blah' [and I'm] not thinking anything of it. She's like, 'this is them, this is them, this is them, this is them' and then she goes, 'oh, and that's Cody'. He turns around and he looks and he goes, 'ugh, I know him. I beat that kid.' And then he picks up a bowling ball and bowls a strike. And it was the most d****d move I've ever seen in my life!"

Interestingly, Woods's parents shared their son's negative view of Rhodes, as they were surprised at how nice Rhodes had become as an adult.

"Fast forward even more, to 'Mania in [Miami] Florida, I think. So I'm walking with my parents to the elevator and Cody walks up [and he says], 'oh, Mr. and Mrs. Watson! How are you guys doing?' And they talk for, like, five [or] ten minutes and when he leaves, my dad goes, 'is that like Cody, Cody?' I was like, 'yeah'. My dad goes, 'wow, when did he become nice?'."

While Woods and Rhodes have made peace, they remain extremely competitive when they are left to their own devices.
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That damn Cody
speaking of Cody where does he go from here? He announced the death of stardust. I think they should of had him do a mick foley type thing being a skitzo who didn't know both characters existed.

WWE should bring back a Waylon Mercy type gimmick. maybe repackage Sandow and give him that good ol boy schtick but once the bell rings he goes bat **** crazy and gets DQed every match. Until the bell rings and he snaps back to reality not knowing what the hell happened. Gold jerry Gold!

So logically yet seems like the WWE didn't know what to do with Stardust past the facepaint and teaming with Goldust. i really felt like there was a lot of untapped potential with that gimmick, but after so many losses and Bray Wyatt like ramblings that led to nothing, it was just a waste. Cody is really good at playing all these characters, and could very well manage a split personality type character, but I just don't think the WWE can long term book something like that.

That damn Cody

I can see why Bryan hasn't knocked up Brie, but I don't see how Cody hasn't knocked up Eden yet. My pull out game would be nonexistent in her :pimp:.

Ditto to both :lol:
That damn Cody
speaking of Cody where does he go from here? He announced the death of stardust. I think they should of had him do a mick foley type thing being a skitzo who didn't know both characters existed.

WWE should bring back a Waylon Mercy type gimmick. maybe repackage Sandow and give him that good ol boy schtick but once the bell rings he goes bat **** crazy and gets DQed every match. Until the bell rings and he snaps back to reality not knowing what the hell happened. Gold jerry Gold!

So logically yet seems like the WWE didn't know what to do with Stardust past the facepaint and teaming with Goldust. i really felt like there was a lot of untapped potential with that gimmick, but after so many losses and Bray Wyatt like ramblings that led to nothing, it was just a waste. Cody is really good at playing all these characters, and could very well manage a split personality type character, but I just don't think the WWE can long term book something like that.

That damn Cody

I can see why Bryan hasn't knocked up Brie, but I don't see how Cody hasn't knocked up Eden yet. My pull out game would be nonexistent in her :pimp:.

Ditto to both :lol:
I am scared that this is going to happen to Bray at somepoint. which will be sad because that cahracter has some serious potential. If he was aroinf in the AE that character would of flourished ..

See what this company is missin creatively is storylines that cross over the whole roster. that was one of the things that made the AE so unique. At any point UT could come out and steal a persons soul or SCSA could come out and stun someone and cut a promo. Now everything is like a prison and on a straight path with tunnel vision and no arch, peaks, valleys or shock value. Their shock value is having HHH win the RR or have the Rock show up to cut a promo that has little to no value at all besides it being the Rock.
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