Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

@ christy hemme's outfit tonight
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by casekicks

Congrats to bkmac..Sorry I missed the show..I had to take my 4 yr old son to urgent care..

Sorry to hear that, man. Hope he gets better.

BKMac keeps winning and I don't know how.
Thanks hombre..He's got a nasty ear infection..But he's a tough little guy, so Im sure he'll be bouncing off walls by the morning..

bkmac must have hacked into the sim and rigged the outcome of our match..Things were slightly in my favor in the 1st spoiler..By the second I, somehow, didnt barely get a move in..But I did put up a fight for ages against the Liontamer..

Shoutout to theDEEK for his non-title victory

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Shoutout to theDEEK for his non-title victory
I am your NTWE United States Champion, the Deek.

MVPeep, after my inevitably successful exhibition match against you, I'm almost certain now that you won't be seeing this championship gold around your waist.
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I've beaten you twice now. Twice. My momentum is increasing by the minute while your star is slowly fading away. You can't beat me in a tag match or even a singles match. Where is the Peep that made me believe we'd have the show stealing match of the NTRumble? But then again it's a mistake for you or any other challenger in that locker room to go against me anyway. Despite you being the almost-best superstar this industry has to offer, picking a program with me may just be a one way ticket to jobbing duty for the BurgerKing BKMac. It's a shame to see you, a man with so much promise, a man who is closest to my limelight, fall into obscurity with the likes of Mason.support and Chino.

This is why I am extending my offer to let you forfeit our title match at the NTRumble. I am a good hearted man. The selfless being in me is granting you this generous offer. Take it. Forfeit the match and I won't have to beat you further down the mid card. I can't let that happen to a man I've come to respect. Think about it. Just think about it. Hell maybe I'll even send you one of those Pabst Blue ribbons laced with HGH and Funkasaurus droppings courtesy of NT's very own ImThatOne.

You have a bright career ahead of you Peep, but your fantasies of being the NTUS champion are hopeless. Don't let me have to Deekslap you back to reality.

DFly, gather up your points.
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But you might want to spend them elsewhere. It's a shameful that you had to receive my patented Shooting Star Press at the Mail Room, but you need to get the picture. I don't want to destroy you. I want you to succeed. The best way for you to succeed is to stay out of my way.

This brings me to JNSQ.
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*Camera pans down to Deek's taped ribs*

You codpiece loving freak of nature. What are you doing using my patented Shooting Star Press maneuver? Don't think I'll forget about this. I've had no beef with you. I sympathized with you jobbing to the Mac. I sympathized with your tragic loss of a testicle. But you do not put your hands on me. You do not steal my moves. I am your NTWE United States Champion and I will be treated with respect. If anything, you should be thanking me for putting ratings into your dud of a segment. Dfly doesn't draw. I draw. Maybe if you use me as your special guest I'll let it go. But until then.....
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Watch your back boy.

Your NTWE United States Champion has spoken.
Hope your son gets better soon Case.

You other dudes need to stop changing your avys so much. I recognise you about as much as I do bkmac. (That's not a good thing)
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Hope your son gets better soon Case.

You other dudes need to stop changing your avys so much. I recognise you about as much as I do bkmac. (That's not a good thing)

BKMac??? the name rings a bell
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I'm so used to GHIMS having sluts in his avy that I mix DEEK for GHIMS.

You almost make me want to change my avy back now
Thanks guys for the well wishes..I don't think they diagnosed him right at Urgent Care..I think there's something else wrong with him, but he's just turned 4 a couple days ago and can't really tell me everything thats hurting..I'm thinking Ima be up all night and most likely at the Emergency room if these meds dont start kicking in..But again thanks to the NTWT for their concern..

On a lighter note, Im disappointed with my loss but proud of my showing..And the past couple of days' promos were pure gold fellas..I'm very glad I get participate in the NTWT..I gotta go back thru the past couple of pages and really take a look at everyone's matches to see how it all unfolded..

I'm gonna applaud you for last night's victory DEEK, I got enough pride to do that, but make

no mistake about it, there will be no forfeiting of any title opportunity. You got the best of me at

this Supershow, but you really think you can take a franchise on a big stage? Do you really think

you can take me down under the brightest lights, and the biggest crowd?


That's an easy answer man, that's no big time. I'm 0 and 1 against you right now straight up, I'm

not even stuntin that 6 man tag match, it's about me and you right at this very moment. You got me

in the regular season, but I can tell you right now that heading into that Super Bowl known as NTRumble,

that NTUS title is coming home where it belongs. These fans need a lot more than a guy who can somewhat

talk a good game, they want somebody who can give them results, and that's what MVPeep is here for.


So enjoy this victory right now DEEK, relish in it. Go out and hit the town up, celebrate. But you better

burn it in your head that me and you will be 1 to 1, and if you play your cards right, when I have that gold

around my waist, I could be giving you a rematch for it.

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I'm so used to GHIMS having sluts in his avy that I mix DEEK for GHIMS.

I think impostor GHIMS is keeping the +@#% tradition alive.

whatever happened to GHIMShoes?

Yeah, BayBay!

NTWT, still want to doubt me? Did I not tell you all that casekicks would tap out to the Walls of Jeribkmac? I told the man himself! The doubters, haters, whatever you pissants want to refer to yourself as anymore, I think you should all recognize that I am the real deal. Y2J.. Year.2012.Jeribkmac.

After a little bit of this

and a little bit of that

I am ready to face whoever, whenever. Hell, bring on the NTRumble right now, where I will walk out the new NT I.C. Champ, and if I feel like it, maybe the Battle Royal winner as well.

A good night to you all, rest easy knowing Jeribkmac is on a win streak, because I sure will.


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casekicks, hope all is well with your son. Little man will pull through just fine
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