Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

Grizz's favorite commercial again.
- Can anybody tell me what the hell happen to Ryback? Dude was untouchable after Hell In The Cell, and even looked strong at TLC. But he's been wasted for the past month. Is he in the doghouse now?
He had his undefeated streak.  That was basically carrying him.  Then he lost.  And lost again.  And lost again.  He doesn't have the charisma of Goldberg.  He has no skill in the ring.  He basically only has the FEED ME MORE catchphrase which can get a reaction from the crowd, but they die during his matches.  I don't consider him in the doghouse at all.  He's just a big muscular guy with very limited upside.
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