Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Starting Raw now.  Judging by this thread, looks like I'll have plenty to fast forward through.

Punk leaving and Cena apparently hurt = JOBBERS paradise...Just start with this ~Miz vs. Zack Ryder~ got TV time tonight...Good luck and god be with you...
To whoever asked 15 pages back
Whatever happened to the interferences where they would just fight it out until someone retreats?  The promo interferences only work for Taker.
Like I said, 4 hot segments out of a 3 hour show.

Turn Smackdown into a midcard show with the IC and US belts as the main titles and let Heyman run it truly independently.
Boring raw tonight. Fast forwarded as much as I could, but it looks like my dish went out during the axel match.
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