Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Cool Emma is on the main roster but lets hope that they don't disrespect her actual talent. She can go!
I was talking to my coworker about that show The Surreal Life and how it should return, Legends House will make do b
Knowing Vince, he'll see how pretty much no one reacted and emulated the dance and stop her push before it begins, although it does seem to translate better with a smaller crowd.
Knowing Vince, he'll see how pretty much no one reacted and emulated the dance and stop her push before it begins, although it does seem to translate better with a smaller crowd.
On NXT, it took time for it to catch on. They have to be patient. Or as Peep would say, WWE has to have "patients"
Knowing Vince, he'll see how pretty much no one reacted and emulated the dance and stop her push before it begins, although it does seem to translate better with a smaller crowd.

True, but **** it


Knowing Vince, he'll see how pretty much no one reacted and emulated the dance and stop her push before it begins, although it does seem to translate better with a smaller crowd.
On NXT, it took time for it to catch on. They have to be patient. Or as Peep would say, WWE has to have "patients"

Pics or I didn't say "patients"

If Brock was needed, it would be here with Axel on the screen
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So hold on, was Batista hitting Melina on the regular or he raped her? Was Morrison watching or something?

There was no rape. Morrison was viewed as a punk. He also received heat backstage because of the trish stratus/WM incident.
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