Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

Should have knocked out Mike Knoxx.

But you guys are good. You definitely saw this one coming.

If Edge doesn't win, what a waste. I still don't see Cena losing. There is no way Cena isn't headlining WrestleMania. I could see Orton going afterHHH since HHH is related to the McMahon's, and that makes sense as an angle. But we've seen Edge vs Cena a million times. I don't think they'dhave that headline WM.
That would be crazy if Edge wins with a Christian assist lol, and I think Edge wins or this would be just a waste and he might pull that stuff he does inbattle royals where he hides outside the ring and stay on the top of a pod
Correct me if I'm wrong but Cena and Edge never faced off at Mania against each other. I think it would make it a great anniversary. They always put on agood show anyway when they face each other. Edge vs Cena I guess is the modern day version of The Rock vs Stone Cold? Oh wait a minute I just realized thiswill probably bring Edge and Christian together since they film ECW with Raw

Edge better win the damn belt.
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