Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

Oct 15, 2000


I am going to be relatively brief here because my mind is somewhere else right now.

No, I did not see TNA Turning Point (was that the name of the show?) last night. The results sounded less than must-see to say the least.

The big news going around is the fan altercation involving Chris Jericho. I've watched three separate videos of the incident. First, I'm not sure whyJericho even got out of his car. The reports said the woman jumped on his car. But security was there, why wouldn't he just let them handle it? Next,you do see the woman spit on Jericho. I don't know if that is reasonable cause for him to punch/slap/shove her, but it's clear that she provoked theincident physically. Next, I couldn't tell if the man (boyfriend) actually hit Jericho, but Jericho definitely laid him out. If the man didn't hitJericho, this is where Jericho could be in trouble. Lastly, if that wasn't the most incompetent security crew I've ever seen, than I don't knowwho is. I guess that's why Canada doesn't have an army.

Apparently the police are not strongly perusing the case, but you never know once things play out. As long as there is no legal action, I don't expect theWWE to come down to severely on Jericho.

Ric Flair returns tonight to set up a potential program with Chris Jericho at WrestleMania. I hate this if it is true. Flair should not be back wrestlingafter the unforgettable memories of last year's WrestleMania.

The Undertaker makes a rare appearance on Raw tonight facing off against Randy Orton. This is punishment from Steph for Randy attacking Shane last week. Orton certainly hasn't been protected since winning The Royal Rumble, so it will be interesting to see how this match is handled. You have to think thatShane and Legacy get involved.

We get the final touches on the JBL and HBK feud. If HBK wins Sunday, he regains his freedom. If he loses, he becomes JBL's slave. You have to imagineHBK wins, but then the question is, where does this leave him for WrestleMania? He seemingly doesn't have an opponent. If I were booking, I would movehim to Smackdown (yes, I know he doesn't work Tuesday nights) and have him face Edge for the title at WrestleMania. Of course, I doubt the Nose would letthis happen. WrestleMania main events of Cena vs Orton and Edge vs HBK sound pretty good to me. More realistically, the only person I can see HBK facing ismaybe The Undertaker after the tease they had at The Rumble, but I don't have any idea how they would go about setting this match up.

I would also think that somehow Kane, Mike Knox, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio are all put over strongly tonight heading into the Elimination Chamber thisSunday. That is a pretty sorry cast to be headlining Raw's main event. I know Jericho's in the match, but Cena is pretty much skating intoWrestleMania.
my points of interest for tonights show:

1. flair.. what is he going to do/say? i hope dude doesn't wrestle ever again.

2. legacy & the mcmahons, the next step in their feud

3. hbk
In a little bit...

btw, Christian ain't signed yet. I'll post everything in a little bit.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Ric Flair returns tonight to set up a potential program with Chris Jericho at WrestleMania. I hate this if it is true. Flair should not be back wrestling after the unforgettable memories of last year's WrestleMania.
Flair isn't going to wrestle. It's still not known what his role is, and this isn't supposed to be a one night thing...but he'sdefinitely not wrestling.


N & N post #8
I'll be heading to Raw tonight

My girl surprised me with Raw tickets for tonights show in Oakland ( Oracle Arena should be jumping tonight)

My only hopes is that the Orton vs Takers is decent...This is my first WWE show so i'm excited
I'll be there tonight... kinda upset I'm sitting upstairs, but I just got the tickets on Thursday. Couldn't pass up the chance to be Flair andUndertaker...
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

I'll be there tonight... kinda upset I'm sitting upstairs, but I just got the tickets on Thursday. Couldn't pass up the chance to be Flair and Undertaker...

What time does the show start? around 5 right?
Booking makes zero sense to me right now. I just don't understand the product anymore. I'll be tuning in for the second half tonight after Heroes. IREALLY hope RAW delivers.
News & Notes

Christian is NOT signed (yet) to the WWE; WWE lowballs Christian.

Christian has not appeared on WWE television because he is not signed and the original deal between him and the company broke down. One source told us earlier this evening that Christian agreed in principle to a deal with a downside guarantee worth $150,000 per year. Right before the deal was signed, WWE lowballed the offer to a $75,000 downside guarantee and Christian backed out.

As of this writing, WWE and Christian are still negotiating but the last offer on the table was the $75,000 downside. Due to the contract not being signed, Christian is currently not included in any creative plans for WrestleMania 25. Obviously if a deal is reached, creative will resume plans for his return.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I guess that explains Matt Hardy's heel turn...but notice Matt basically denied being involved with all the stuff that happened to Jeff before the Royal Rumble. We'll see how this unfolds...[/color]

WWE issues statement regarding Chris Jericho parking lot incident.

The statement:

"After leaving a live event in Victoria, British Columbia on Saturday evening, Chris Jericho's car was attacked by a mob when he was stopped at a stop sign. Unable to proceed, Chris Jericho exited his car to ask the crowd to clear a path so he could continue through the intersection. A man and a woman physically and verbally assaulted Mr. Jericho. Arena and WWE security arrived to establish enough order to allow Mr. Jericho to re-enter his vehicle and depart. The local police arrived minutes later. Mr. Jericho was unharmed in the incident. The WWE is working with local authorities who are investigating the incident to identify the man and woman who fled the scene."

More on Ric Flair and his future with WWE.

Apparently Ric Flair's appearance on Raw this Monday will not be a one time deal and there are plans to use him in a non-wrestling role on the Road to WrestleMania. There is talk of him working No Way Out in some capacity but the only thing that we can confirm is that he will not be wrestling.

Latest on Mickey Rourke/WWE situation.

- The latest on the Mickey Rourke/WWE situation is that he will be at WrestleMania 25 but will not be wrestling. From what we have been told, not many of the higher ups believe that Rourke is good enough to be a headliner in a main event type match at WrestleMania and feel it is too big of a chance to take the risk. However, Vince McMahon does like the mainstream media attention that Rourke brought to the event after teasing the match at the SAG Awards.

John Cena and Edge to retain at No Way Out?

- The plan as of earlier this week was for John Cena and Edge to walk out of the No Way Elimination Chamber matches with their respective titles. Plans like this change all the time and could change once again, but this was the word from earlier in the week.

John Cena interview; who his favorite Diva is, why the name change to his finisher and more.

- Sports Illustrated has a new interview online with World Heavyweight Champion John Cena. Below are the highlights:

On his favorite WWE Diva: "My No. 1 has always been Candice Michelle. She understands what we do in our business. She's an unbelievable athlete, works very hard and is unbelievably gorgeous."

Whether or not he's considered changing his theme song: "I've actually thought about changing it, but the longer you stick with it the tougher it is to change. Its' tougher for the fans to identify to new music so I don't think I'll change it anymore but you never know."

The story behind the FU becoming the Attitude Adjustment: "It was totally my call. It's actually Attitude Adjustment. I realize that our audience has changed now and when I look out past the ring now I see so many children. Originally the FU was a pun in response to Brock Lesner's move, he used to wrestle in the WWE. I never really called it that. It's something I said once and the announcers picked it up. I know that kids are watching my every move and there are a lot of parents know their kids look up to me and I know a lot of people watch our program with closed eyes and I kind of live by the motto -- "Hustle Loyalty Respect." If someone is out of line, I think instead of giving them an FU, it's better to give them an attitude adjustment."

Who he sees as future "household" names in WWE: "Even more so than now. Cody Rhodes. Ted DiBiase and Harry Smith."

His favorite wrestler growing up: "Hulk Hogan. He was the one. When I broke into the business, I opened my mind and watched everyone for the reason that everyone is different and successful in their own way."

Cena also talks about the Super Bowl, his movie career as well as The Marine sequel starring Ted DiBiase, baseball, and more.

Click here to read the full interview.

I bet you Mickie James was his favorite a couple years ago...

Ric Flair interview; WCW's demise, best advice given to him and more.

The Edmonton Sun has a new interview online with WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Below are the highlights:

The first thing Flair does in the morning, the last thing he does before he goes to bed: "I wake up in the morning and say Whooo!... That's the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night."

When & how the Whooo! originated: "I've had it since '74, actually. I heard it from Jerry Lee Lewis... I just took it to a different level"

On WCW's demise: "It was awful... The biggest embarrassment for someone of my stature in the business. Anyone that couldn't see the problems and how bad it really was ..."

The best piece of advice that he ever got & where it came from: "Best piece of advice I ever got? That I have four minutes on TV to separate myself. To show that I was different, unique and better than anybody else on that TV program... Jack Mulligan offered that on a ride home from Raleigh, North Carolina, one night... He said, 'Kid, you've got four minutes. Show why you're different, show why you're better. Don't screw it up.'"

Click here to read the full interview.

Trish Stratus teases more about a possible match at Wrestlemania 25.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Trish Stratus was asked during a Slam Wrestling Q&A which past or present female wrestlers she would like to have matches with. "I think a matchup with Nattie Neidhart (a/k/a Natalya) or Beth Phoenix would deliver some serious Stratusfaction."

She also kept an open mind to returning to the ring. "If the right scenario presented itself -- like my recent return in Toronto -- it was the right scenario to come out of retirement just to whoop Beth's %%*." To read the full interview, visit slam.canoe.ca.

There is plenty of speculation even amongst people who work for WWE that Trish will return for a match against Beth Phoenix for a match at WrestleMania 25. Her comments in this interview won't kill that speculation.

WWE upset about Matt Hardy heel turn leak.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- There was a lot of unhappiness among WWE officials regarding news of Matt Hardy's turn on brother Jeff at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view leaking onto the internet before the show. They're especially upset because the original idea they had in mind (involving Christian) had gotten out, hence the Hardy heel turn. News regarding Hardy's heel turn was available a few hours prior to the show.[/font]

Is Maria the last WWE Diva to pose for Playboy?

- The Sun out of the United Kingdom has posted a new article today that questions whether Maria was the last WWE Diva to pose for Playboy. With WWE gearing their content more towards a younger audience and producing more "PG-rated" content, it is likely that the tradition of a diva posing for Playboy before WrestleMania has come to an end. You can check out the article that includes a new photo shoot from Maria at this link.

Incident involving Maria this past weekend.

-I was at the Washington Auto Show last night where Maria was signing autographs, and I thought this would be some interesting news to pass along - some guy apparently lunged into her, being grabby, and he was swarmed by 2 or 3 security guards and taken out of the building. I was about 15 feet away and talking to my friend when we saw security rushing the dude.

-Maria was at the Washington Auto Show last night and a man who I think had been waiting in line behind people to meet her kind of rushed her... And I think he was trying to grab her breasts or something but he literally grabbed her and was squeezing her when security rushed over and threw him down and then took him away, don't know what happened to the guy but Maria was pretty shaken up and after a few minutes she went back to signing autographs.

Son copped a feel...

Ashley Massaro returning to WWE?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Ashley Massaro is apparently hinting towards a possible return to World Wrestling Entertainment. In a blog posted on her MySpace account today, the former WWE Diva said she spoke to Johnny Ace (John Laurinaitis, WWE's Senior Vice President of Talent Relations) this past week. Massaro wrote: "Happened to speak to Johnny Ace this week. Hmmmmm, let yall wonder about that one...hehe." Ashley was released from her WWE contract on July 9, 2008. A week prior to her release, she announced that she had asked to be let go from her contract due to her daughter being sick.[/font]

Divas match likely to be added to No Way Out.

- Expect a Divas match to be added to the No Way Out card. The match that we were told that was likely was Melina vs. Beth Phoenix in a rematch for the WWE Women's Championship.

Kelly Kelly speaks on her new boyfriend and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kelly Kelly recently did an interview with the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show this and said plans haven't been finalized on how the WWE Divas are going to be used at WrestleMania 25. "Don't really know what the girls are doing right now," she said.

When asked how much money she makes in WWE, Kelly wouldn't say, but admitted to driving a BMW. She added, "the video game checks are very good."

Bubba asked Kelly about her relationship with former WWE Superstar Andrew "Test" Martin. The WWE Diva said they're not together anymore, but remain close friends. Kelly was asked if Martin's departure from the company had an effect on their relationship and she said that it was a strong factor. "He's never been one at home waiting around," Kelly said. "He's on the other side of the coin now. I think that had a lot to do with it." Kelly said Martin has plans to attend school to become a personal trainer.

Kelly added that she is currently involved in a relationship with a wrestler who is now competing in Japan. And last but not least, Kelly said she lives in Tampa, Florida so she is able to train at the Florida Championship Wrestling school on her off-days when she's not on the road.

Backstage heat on Brian Kendrick.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- The reason for The Brian Kendrick's quick elimination during last Sunday's Royal Rumble match is because he is currently not in good graces with management. Officials are upset with him for not listening to them on certain issues.[/font]

Update on Hardcore Holly.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Following Hardcore Holly's release from WWE on January 16th, reaching him proved to be quite difficult for a number of indy wrestling promoters looking to offer him work. The promoters were calling people in WWE trying to get his phone number, but almost nobody in the company had it. Holly wasn't particularly liked during his time in WWE and said to have almost no friends. His one close friend was Billy Gunn, who left the company years ago.[/font]

WWE signs another second generation wrestler.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]World Wrestling Entertainment has signed yet another second generation wrestler to a developmental contract. Tavita Fifita, the son of former WWF and WCW star Haku, signed with WWE last week. He will be starting with Florida Championship Wrestling shortly.

Fifita was trained at the Team 3D Wrestling Academy, making him the second wrestler from the former Dudley Boys' school to be signed by WWE, the first being Caleb O'Neal.
Kelly Kelly saying those are video game checks.

John Cena is such a square.

Like JRS said last week, the PG WWE will lead to its downfall. I understand what the WWE is trying to do by establishing a grassroots movement by getting themwhile they are young but it alienates the long time fans of the business. When I was younger, the WWE was more adult than it had been in recent years. Thismove is definitely a response to us living in an overprotective and PC society.

EDIT: 718

Remember it was PG like in the late 80's and early to mid 90's? Led to the attitude era right?
Just an idea.
It wasn't PG but it wasn't R rated in the mid 90s because that's when I started watching wrestling and going to house shows. If it wasanything like the Attitude era at the age I started watching wrestling (6) my parents wouldn't let me watch it. The product that they are pushing out nowis much more tamer than what it was 14 years ago.
Originally Posted by RellNye

Like JRS said last week, the PG WWE will lead to its downfall. I understand what the WWE is trying to do by establishing a grassroots movement by getting them while they are young but it alienates the long time fans of the business. When I was younger, the WWE was more adult than it had been in recent years. This move is definitely a response to us living in an overprotective and PC society.
Remember it was PG like in the late 80's and early to mid 90's? Led to the attitude era right?
Just an idea.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The Undertaker makes a rare appearance on Raw tonight facing off against Randy Orton. This is punishment from Steph for Randy attacking Shane last week.
So, Steph is looking at Taker to 'help her', the same man who a while back was on the verge of crucifying her and marrying her?

Gotta love the wacky world of wrestling
Idk why..but nothing about tonight's RAW has me all that interested outside of the Flair/Jericho promo.
John Cena and Edge to retain at No Way Out?

Why is there 2 chamber matches anyway? There should only be one chamber match to determine the no. 1 contender to Edge's title, kinda downgradesOrton's RR victory. IMO
Originally Posted by Law3001

I'll be heading to Raw tonight

My girl surprised me with Raw tickets for tonights show in Oakland ( Oracle Arena should be jumping tonight)

My only hopes is that the Orton vs Takers is decent...This is my first WWE show so i'm excited
i believe u were the one i quoted in last weeks thread, but yeah.. what section u in?
ill be at the show tonight too, section 102 i think. decent seats... i guess..

any sign suggestions about the Jericho incident?
Interested to see where this Flair/Jericho leads to, and SD need to add another match to NWO they only have one match on the card
Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by Law3001

I'll be heading to Raw tonight

My girl surprised me with Raw tickets for tonights show in Oakland ( Oracle Arena should be jumping tonight)

My only hopes is that the Orton vs Takers is decent...This is my first WWE show so i'm excited
i believe u were the one i quoted in last weeks thread, but yeah.. what section u in?
ill be at the show tonight too, section 102 i think. decent seats... i guess..

any sign suggestions about the Jericho incident?

I'm not sure yet, when i get home from work, i'll check my tickets....I'm taking some type of NT sign, just not sure yet...I'll be clearly highas kite for the duration of the program too
man...I don't know if I'm finally growing out of WWE or what, but I've found myself not watching it the past couple weeks. Here lately, I'vebeen watching The Big Bang Theory (absolutely hilarious), How I met your Mother, Two and a Half Men (hilarious), Chuck, and Heroes on Monday nights instead ofwrestling. I guess there's just nothing there anymore to hold my interest. I'm gonna give it another try tonight though. I just got another DVR in mybedroom so I can tape it in there.
Raw has been getting soft and my DVR has been softer not recording/deleting shows even though they're programmed not to be deleted.
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