Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Finally got around to watching Raw...Punk/HBK segment was pretty good. Also, liked the RKO to Cena. Randy plays the smug heel role very well. Just wish he were better on the mic. Overall though, Raw was pretty forgettable.
One good thing about the unified titles is that the Royal Rumble finally becomes legit again. Hopefully no more of the winner challenging for the WHC in the midcard or opening :smile:x) matches anymore.
HBK vs Dbry :smokin


And pipe dream would be an Main Event of SCSA vs Punk.
Naw, not Club or nor any previous user history. Just a long time lurker who finally joined to partake with y'all. :smokin
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Just got a package delivered from my fellow NTWT Tag Team Champion jdcurt ..Wondering what it is and why he sent me something?..Hmmmm..
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LOL there was no way that Had Pants was Club. He's definitely been a great addition to NTWT though.
Also, just mailed out my secret santa stuff. You should be getting it either Friday or Saturday....
If Rolins joins a tag team his future seems brighter. Off the top of my head, 3MB, PTP, The USOs and Los Matadores, all found some balance in the spotlight without being put in the way back burner like Zack Ryder. Although I do hope WWE utilizes Rollins in a correct manner and he flourishes successfully as an independent. The future individual paths of The Shield will definitely be interesting.

what a bout a tag team of Rollins and Ziggler...
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