Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Wouldn't mind a HBK vs. Punk or Bry match at 'Mania, prob. won't happen but they're teasing a lot of possibilities the past two weeks. I don't think I can sit through another Ego/Punk match though. :rolleyes
I think this is setting up Punk and HHH at mania. which means he most likely wont get his main event smh
Punk vs. DBrizzle vs. Show Stoppuh..WrestleMania..Three Way Dance..BOOK IT!.
If you kick me again, I will kick you back.

Usos look stoked to be paired with Punk. :smokin

Reign's eye is legit banged up looking at it.

Great 6 man tag there.  Better than anything on the PPV last night.
so Punk can beat the Shield without with Usos, but then loses to the Shield with the Usos. Not even once... do the rules of logic apply lol 
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