Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Headshrinkers, Sabu, Jimmy Hart, etc. will be at a wrestling show next month in James Lick HS for all you San Jose? Bay Area heads.
Bret still hating on Sext --

"I think that Cody Rhodes, if you watch wrestling like I do as a wrestling fan, he's to me one of those wrestlers that I would put in the category of 'Excellence of Execution'. Every move he does is safe and perfectly executed. There's a lot of wrestlers today a) their execution is lousy and they're not safe. You watch Seth Rollins who they've pushed as this huge mega, mega push. I watched him a few months ago, and you can watch it back on YouTube but he knees John Cena in the face. Just knees him in the face so hard, so recklessly, so dangerously, you can easily kill somebody with a knee like that in the face," said Hart.

"It's a testimony to John Cena that a) he finished the match and b) that he didn't get a shotgun and shoot Seth Rollins when he came through the curtain."

Bret still salty about being the 4th best member in the Hart Foundation, and part of the worst version of the NWO huh?

He's turning into the next New Jack.

If i'm Seth, i confront him and tell him off already.
^ People said Sext shouldn't have responded on the TIJ podcast in the first place.

Maybe Sext reminds Bret of HBK.
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