Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I'm gonna wash you like Dolph washes Dana's guts b
We need to go by our NT names in the league bc idk who some of ya'll are :lol:
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Anyone here was NJPW on AXS?

Jim Ross isn't as good of a commentator as he used to be. Maybe it's because he's in an audiobooth instead of ringside but he fumbles over words and whifs on moves.
Anyone here was NJPW on AXS?

Jim Ross isn't as good of a commentator as he used to be. Maybe it's because he's in an audiobooth instead of ringside but he fumbles over words and whifs on moves.

Haven't been watchign AXS, but he's been missing on moves for like the last 15 years. He usually sticks with the good ol "modified slam" for most moves he doesnt know :lol:

Those last couple of times where WWE brought him back for Wrestlemania, he just basically did color commentary and was mainly putting over the story and drama for each match. Thats where he's most effective imo. His PBP always been mediocre
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How is Khali still on Raw, but yet they ain't got nothin for my boy Christian to do?

Dolph vs Orton. Hmmm, wonder who will take the RKO.

Randy should definitely be on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Tamin's wiener is bigger than Chyna's..

LMAO at Brie chanting :rofl:

made me cringe

LMAO at Brie chanting :rofl:
MEMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

While doing the Fatt Hardy double finger point :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lance Storm is rolling in his grave with that Rolling Boston Crab. 

Damn WWE video packages have me convinced John Cena is the greatest human being since Jesus to walk this earth..

Damn Brie gets another title shot? Let's have aj go up against nattie. Someone who can actually wrestle

And damn tamina got a huge bulge!!

I like how they're pairing her with aj to resemble hbk and diesel though

No disrespect but it is funny how the Rockers tried so hard ot be the Rock and Roll Express and BOTH teams have a member with a lazy eye

--CURTIS AXEL blew out both of his hips in the tag team match on Raw on Monday night.  It was described as a freak accident.  That's why he's off the show today.

Dolph relegated to pregame analyst

Dammit! I had a feeling miz would be involved in this ppv :smh:

Why is this idiot on the PPV?

Maybe Sandow cashes in?
Perfect way for Super Cena to some back. Beats Del Rio and then beats Sandow when he tries to cash in fresh off coming back early form injury.

Whoever said Chaimpa vs Gargano was MOTY quality; #PrisonerOfTheMoment Come on man, the match was solid though.
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