Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This


Seth is fine on the mic, IMO. I was at the first Raw he was at post-injury and the crowd was going nuts for him and he was able to turn all of the cheers into boos almost instantly. He's not great, but he's far from awful like you are saying. He has gotten significantly better over time...

That's cool bro..I always respect your opinion..I just so happen to disagree with you..But that's okay..I will say that I think he has room for improvement..And honestly if he would turn face and get more comfortable doing promos that go with his natural attitude then he'd probably get better with heel promos if he was to turn back..

Same goes for that piece of **** Roman..The guy is a natural heel and if they'd let him do heel promos that suit his natural tendencies then maybe his face promos would improve..I think it's always best to let a wrestler's natural side be his first gimmick because it'd help with their in ring work and their promo work..
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Corey Graves turned on by her dominance too
Not as much as his love for Eva Marie in NXT

best believe i done told yall about a week ago that roman should do a program with rusev

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