Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I also gotta throw Ricky Steamboat in that category..Dudes don't get you hyped for their matches too well, but when it comes to in ring work they are in an elite level..

Seth Gawd is legit on the mic, you've just decided that he should be a face so no matter what he does as a heel it's not going to be good enough for YOU.
Seth Gawd is legit on the mic, you've just decided that he should be a face so no matter what he does as a heel it's not going to be good enough for YOU.

Sorry man, but the dude is just not a good heel..He doesn't have the mic skills or the attitude to pull it off..But his wrestling ability eclipses any flaws on the mic..Nothing wrong with that..I just gave you 2 examples of all time greats with the same issue..So why does it bother you so much that I think dude sucks on the mic?..
@B Sox

Can we be Reigns fans together?

All it took for Roman to get over w/ the fans was being demoted to the mid-card. Amazing.

Seth is fine on the mic, IMO. I was at the first Raw he was at post-injury and the crowd was going nuts for him and he was able to turn all of the cheers into boos almost instantly. He's not great, but he's far from awful like you are saying. He has gotten significantly better over time...
I like Seth, he is average on the mic IMO but a great wrestler, I think face Seth would get over like HBK did, he needs to be buried by HHH leading into WM next year

I feel I should be more interested in Finn vs Seth but the program seems to be lacking something
Titus should be heel anyway, this post suspension I Love My Family **** sucked all the fun out of him
Sorry man, but the dude is just not a good heel..He doesn't have the mic skills or the attitude to pull it off..But his wrestling ability eclipses any flaws on the mic..Nothing wrong with that..I just gave you 2 examples of all time greats with the same issue..So why does it bother you so much that I think dude sucks on the mic?..
I think he absolutely has the smug/arrogant attitude down and the annoying, snickering laugh is super heelish.
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