Wrestling Thread Aug 31-Sep 13: 9/7 Raw- Happy Labor Day, Paige vs Sasha




Has Alberto been having a solid year to be top 10 worthy? I woulda had prince puma ahead of him

Roman reigns ahead of swagsuke? :x okada 27? :x
How the hell is alternate lifestyle black Cena ranked so high? There are various rankings that i disagree on this year. That's every year though... :lol: Orton at 6 though... :smokin Seth at 1 is well deserved. Dude is the best thing in WWE, besides New Day.
Nice side profile lower half
I got a feeling the only pron @brendasdeadbaby  watches is little white girls getting destroyed by multiple BBC...
I agree. He hates the white wimenz
I kinda have to choose one or the other, so I'm gonna go with what feels like a sure thing in NXT. This will be my first wrestling event since a 2004 Smackdown.
You would be an idiot not to go to NXT but .....................
Nice side profile lower half

I agree. He hates the white wimenz
You would be an idiot not to go to NXT but .....................

Don't waste as much of your time as these these fools do on their American money.
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Paige has on half of Undertaker's WM attire

Maaaaaan Charlotte's *** is TINY :lol: :rofl:
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Maaaaaan Charlotte's *** is TINY :lol: :rofl:

Charlotte or Billy Kay :nerd:.

Billy Kay damn near by default :lol:

Missed the first 30 minutes of SD and didn't DVR it, but Cesaro is so good that he made me interested in a Sheamus match, but it stinks that they have him with "rib injuries" just as an excuse to make him lose while putting on good matches.

Also, why is Lana made about a vid of Summer and Dolph making out from last year, when it's exactly that, last year? Guess it's pretty accurate though if women can real-life get mad at themselves having dreams of you cheating on them.






Eva ******* sucks
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