Wrestling Thread Aug 31-Sep 13: 9/7 Raw- Happy Labor Day, Paige vs Sasha

Just got home from work, don't know anything about what happened on Raw tonight is it worth watching?
Man tonight's Raw was straight garbage as usual. If it wasn't for my gf being somewhat into wrestling, I'd be so embarrassed to watch this product week after week. :smh:
Missed most of Raw.

The only part I didn't miss was the segment with New Day, Edge and Christian and the Dudleys.

Catching up on this thread I see I didn't miss much.
Not a huge wrestling fan but i do watch it if im flipping channels for the lulz...and came here for this and this only...
Need somebody to put IN for me in this gif.....you shall be compensated with a lifetime supply of reps

Seriously though gonna need one you gif makers to bless the gif with an "IN" for me.
i was somewhat excited to see who Reign's and Ambrose's parter was going to be going up against the Wyatt Family. But now thats it looks like its going to be RKO, I suppose its better than it being Kane :stoneface:
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