Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

Lacey looked damn good in tna. She was one of the reasons why I watched Impact.
AJ remember you would be nothing if WWE didn't partner you up with every top guy. Try being a diva that makes it on your own. #RAW

— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri)

How is getting top billing in the Divas division because you're involved with two of the most prominent "superstars" currently in the WWE "making it on your own"?

What discernible talent do the Bellas have aside from their looks? At the very least AJ is decent in the ring and can get her character over.

Maria came through with dat super ether though.
AJ's promo might've been the best part of that Raw. Not a very memorable show...
AJ's promo was alright. Too much of a copy of what punk does. She should've just said she didn't need a dumb, scripted reality show to get tv time.
Maybe that was the Bellas "in character"

In regards to the AJ promo, I think maybe the Bellas didn't know AJ was gonna go for the jugular like that.

They probably knew she was gonna go at them and disparage Total Divas and all that, but maybe not the stuff about their Dad and "sucking" up to get ahead.

They were legit pissed.
Oh well, they should know that your personal lives are fair game and can be used in storylines / promos.
I wanna see a Rollins VS Ziggler match just to see who sells the most.

Nitpicking a little here,but y'all gotta stop calling Ziggler/Rollins the best sellers. Bumping around like crazy men isn't all there is to selling. It does makes them the best bumpers though.
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Just read the story on Jesse Sorensen's mom going bankrupt paying for his medical bills.

******g shameful :smh: **** TNA
Just read the story on Jesse Sorensen's mom going bankrupt paying for his medical bills.

******g shameful :smh: **** TNA

Well what the hell did you expect them to do?..They did what was best for business and paid Rampage/Tito/Brooke instead of paying dude's medical bills..Seems to me they made the smart choice..

F'em they're gonna be closed in a year and half and they deserve it
For whatever reason I'm enjoying HHH right now

Shield being the corporate security :pimp:

Brad Maddox is horrible. Dont know what you guys see in him

AJ Promo was great but won't get the props it probably deserves since it's the Divas and nobody cares

Heyman continues to be gold while Axel continues to be a jobber with a title

I blame Christian for Orton getting cheered

I see a screw job finish happening at night at champions with Bryan losing. HHH should throw a bunch of obstacles with Bryan overcoming everything and it eventually leads to a HHH vs Bryan match.

Said it before but Bryan winning at the rumble and then going over at mania winning the belt would be EPIC but don't know how WWE can drag this out all the way till Mania. It can be done but I dont trust them.

Something Special
Mark Madden
August 26, 2013
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WWE is onto something special with the Daniel Bryan angle.

The heat for the closing segment of this week’s Raw was incredible. Crowd support for Bryan was suffocating. It oozed from the TV. The Shield = STOOGES. They play the role well, but it’s not necessarily complimentary. Triple H & Randy Orton are scum. I know it’s fake, but I was still getting pissed.

A secondary angle is clearly being set up.

Whoever jumps off that stage to help Bryan is born again as a HUGE BABYFACE. All signs point to Big Show, which means it will probably be somebody else. Bryan is getting the Cena spot. Whoever helps Bryan gets the Bryan spot.

Triple H fires whoever helps Bryan. Vince McMahon negates the firing. The Triple H vs. Vince feud is born.

So far, this is as good as any storyline in recent WWE history. It’s BE A STAR come to life. A lesson could be taught.

But for that lesson to work, Bryan has to win the WWE championship CLEAN, and hold it for a significant time.

For that lesson to work, Bryan has to get some heat back. He has to humiliate Orton, constantly reminding him and the WWE universe that Orton isn’t really the champion, that he didn’t really beat Bryan.

For all this to work, all that has to happen.

And all that goes against the grain of everything Vince, Triple H and WWE believe in. This is a shoot angle. Can you really imagine Vince going ALL THE WAY with a guy like Bryan?

I can’t. I don’t trust Vince for a second.

But it’s also hard to imagine Vince not wanting to blow the roof off the promotion by doing right by Bryan and (ironically) what’s right for business. It’s hard to imagine Vince denying that pop.

This is INCREDIBLE. I witnessed the rise of the nWo. The heat for this is just as thick, just as real, just as palpable.

The nWo didn’t end good, did it?

But that’s what makes this storyline amazing: The kayfabe version intrigues the marks. The behind-the-scenes intrigue keeps the IWC, dirt-sheet twits, self-styled insiders and grizzled cynics like me RIVETED. I really don’t know what will happen.

I wonder if they do.

Something Special
Mark Madden
August 26, 2013
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WWE is onto something special with the Daniel Bryan angle.

The heat for the closing segment of this week’s Raw was incredible. Crowd support for Bryan was suffocating. It oozed from the TV. The Shield = STOOGES. They play the role well, but it’s not necessarily complimentary. Triple H & Randy Orton are scum. I know it’s fake, but I was still getting pissed.

A secondary angle is clearly being set up.

Whoever jumps off that stage to help Bryan is born again as a HUGE BABYFACE. All signs point to Big Show, which means it will probably be somebody else. Bryan is getting the Cena spot. Whoever helps Bryan gets the Bryan spot.

I wonder if they do.

Nice statements from Mark Madden, but this part is the most intriguing one for me. It better not be Big Show. He should only be some ancillary guy. If the WWE is gonna get a face really over huge, it's Dolph or a slightly repackaged Kofi who needs it. The crowd is already on edge for Ziggler, and the crowd continues to respond to Kofi even though he's had no direction or been a transitional champ for a long time. Those are the 2 guys you pull the trigger on.
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