Wrestling Thread Aug 25-Sep 7 | 9/1 RAW - Happy Labor Day - Super Cena Has Returned

 @ Brock trying to find some clever things to say
I like non-heavyweight type wrestlers. One thing that bothers me though. There are so many dudes these days that the belts are too big for.
That red head is a certified groupie thot.
Chick been screaming her nips off for any young wrestler on the show.

Get the ic title. Lose your pop. :smokin
[quote name="Meangene45" url="/t/604887/wrestling-thread-aug-25-31-8-25-raw-hogan-flair-hbk-ss-ppv-pred-contest-results-tonight/420#post_214:lol:57867"]
Belt will look better on the Miz he could fill it up.[/quote]:lol: Other than Club, you are the most entertaining NT Wrestling Federation person
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