Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Just looked it up and it wasn't him. He hasn't posted since MITB and the prediction was made in the generic Google Docs thread.
I do hope it wasn't him, I just posted it cause I saw it pop up on different sites that I visit.

Anyway, 15 minutes till the pre-show. Here's the official stream of the show.

I wonder if this match will end in a no contest setting up a winner take all 6 man tag match between The Shield and RVD, World's Strongest Show (that's what I'll be calling them unless they get a name). Or maybe after the match Miz will set up a tag team title match for the PPV.
I haven't really paid much attention since WM29 but I think I will order this for the hell of it and hope for the best


If DC slanders Nattie tonight.....

Renee Young reminds me of Natalya, everytime I see her on T.V I think it's Natalya for a second.
Survey done, I'm also watching via the PS3 Live Events app. Quality is good so I'm impressed so far.
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