Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I read Renee Young is getting an interview type show on the Network. Idk if you guys read that or not
You know the people that wrote underdog also wrote.........................
LOL I knew where you were coming from...Anyways, you still have to let him build himself up a bit. He looks great against the high mid-carders and barely loses. They'll let him beat the bums, and then he'll be right in the mix in a couple months.
Rollins reclining has me in tears
Sext just chilling, giving no dambs, smashing NXT yambs.
Mercury has taken more RKOs in the past 2 months than Christian took Brogue Kicks in 2011-2012
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