Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I like what they're doing with Reigns. Let him develop and improve out of the main event picture. I can see the slow improvement
Naomi :smh: :smh: but it works. She stole ole'girl off NXT's gimmick without a single damn to give.

This makes me really think that Vince/main roster "creative team" either doesn't pay attention to NXT and thinks they were coming up with something original (like Vince being clueless about Scarface when it came to Razor Ramon), or they do pay attention but figures no one watches NXT.
Yall know how much I love it when somebody's name gets screwed up but I was talking to this old head dude that lives around my job. He was talking about "Ron" Van Damn and how he was in "the other joint. " efw.....

"That was the hard core joint. They had all them rasslaz over there. Him. What is the short ball headed dude that is an announcer. Tazz. ....DON Malenko. Sabu. All them jokers."
Siiiiiiiiiigh would it kill them to do a 16 man tournament that could branch off with multiple feuds for both the guys that advance and ones that get eliminated? It's a painfully easy natural scenario

I want Dean to win the lulz that will happen.



Yall know how much I love it when somebody's name gets screwed up but I was talking to this old head dude that lives around my job. He was talking about "Ron" Van Damn and how he was in "the other joint. " efw.....

"That was the hard core joint. They had all them rasslaz over there. Him. What is the short ball headed dude that is an announcer. Tazz. ....DON Malenko. Sabu. All them jokers."

Of course the jerk you were I bet you didn't correct him...
Of course not. I don't correct anybody that calls someone the wrong name. HELL, I even START to say the wrong name so they continue to do it.

@CelticsPride34  , which Suzuki match did you link for me to watch again? I lost it. Sorry. Don't shoot JR Bremer
This makes me really think that Vince/main roster "creative team" either doesn't pay attention to NXT and thinks they were coming up with something original (like Vince being clueless about Scarface when it came to Razor Ramon), or they do pay attention but figures no one watches NXT.
It's been widely reported that Vince doesn't watch NXT at all (except for when he went to the NXT show before WM31).

Idiots messing around in Baltimore again man....This **** is sad :smh:

Stay safe but the cops and media gotta learn b. I remember I was stopped for wear red Toros 5's while walking my cocker spaniel in the heights 2 summers ago. Cops straight accused me of stealing the dog cause "people like me don't have money to buy fancy breeds like that" ( it was my last year as a rx intern I was making $21 and hour) ran through my pockets called talked to me like shot held my dog until my background came back clear. **** em. Asked me what gang I was affiliated with too :smh: . They kill/abuse minorities every day in the hood but white folks don't see that
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the new day is 3 people, but only big e & kofi were in the match last night & they were officially awarded the tag team championship titles

so...can xavier woods claim to be a "tag team champion?"

can he wear one of the belt & claim its his?

i would think not
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