Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Hey jobber...why don't you just give me back that mic and shut the hell up about my lady...


I can't get my ******* cookie pic to upload and it's pissing me off...

That's J E Double F... J A Double R A Double T...
Yeah man it sucks..I've been waiting for 2 months to get in to see this top level neurosurgeon and I was told today that based on my last MRI that I have so much scar tissue built up (from 4 back surgeries and approx. 40 spine injections) that there's a 80% chance they won't be able to put in this neuro stimulator..It was basically my last hope to help the leg pain I've been having..Past 6 months I've had my whole left leg lose it's strength and I fall down cause my leg gives out..This procedure was going to interrupt the pain signals to my brain and take away the pain and numbness..If this can't be done then I'll be using a cane (no WWE, ha!) within a year..Needless to say this isn't what I expected my life to be before I even hit 40 yrs old..So I'm doing my best to have positive thoughts and praying for the best outcome..I'm supposed to find out next week what's going to happen..
Keep your head up man. I hope something changes and you can see that dude.
That Jimmy Snuka video was sad as hell man it's awful to watch these legends still wrestling at that age in front of 19 people at the local county fair.
Wrestlmania poll should be graded differently becuase of how bat ish off the wal crazy things could happen.

My wife said cena open challenge is just a reason for him to bury talent

She might be rightt
How would you guys have redone the invasion angle?

- Nt have half the WWF roster filling the void and becoming members of WCW.

- I wouldnt begin the angle unless you had most big guns on board. HH, Goldberg, Bookman, Nash, Hall, Stiener, Sting, Falir, & the real DDP :lol:

- Austin needed to be Team WWF

- Hogan needed to squash both rosters and cement himself as the greatest, just to have HHH return from his quad injury, with the coveted golden shovel, and go over pinning Hogan on top of everyones unconscios bodies.
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I just noticed the attitude raw era episodes and watched a couple.... Brought back the good ol times and most of all....

Funny as hell!!!!
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