Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Super delay with Kane's pyro. And Maddox was rarely seen but...he got future endeavored...DAMN!!!
Keep trolling, I'll make sure your banned before this Sunday's PPV.

I was wondering how Brad Maddox actually kept a job.  I wonder if he's actually gone... Or just going back to NXT.

I also cannot stand "THE DEMON KANE".
I get the feeling Triple H is gonna end up with a forehead like Carlos Colon. This is my first time noticing all the creases that would not go away.
I wonder who the shield will feud with after Sunday. Batistas supposed to take time off. It should last through summer slam for trips and reigns singles match.

I wonder who steps up to become new champ. DOLPH!!!! I doubt it though. They gonna put it on someone they feel is a money maker cause they lookin to beef up mitb cause of new subscriptions I think I read. BRRRRROOOOOCCCCKKKKK!!!
He even questioned officials on how he's been booked.

it's been baffling that they had this guy whos taken on adversary for the past 6 months prior... runs away from 'the Demon' Kane.. sure I get that Brie was there, but your champ and face of company should NOT be running away from anyone. Then being dragged out by Kane... man, just pisses me off that they did that to him.
I really wish RVD didn't come back.  I mean, WWE needs stars, but if they're not going to do anything with him, what's the point?  Not to mention his matches are sloppier than ever.
Cesaro's music is really terrible. It's unfortunate he received that to accompany his push.
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