Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Ambrose with the W and Renee
Wow. Evolution got washed. :frown: Shield looks like they can't be beat by Justice League Avengers and X-Men combined.
Very solid PPV. Only gripes were with the Kane/Bo/Kofi segment and the ending of the Bray/Cena match.

Major props to Evolution for the clean sweep. I did not expect that job from them at all.
What is there left for the Shield to do after this? They've beaten Undertaker, Wyatts, Evolution....might as well take out Brock Lesnar now. Evolution and HHH got dominated two matches in a row, what can they even do to generate some interest in a HHH/Reigns match at Summerslam (assuming thats what they're still gonna go for...but i dont see it anymore)?
I thought that was hilarious as well. Ladies Love Cool Reigns, should've kept it off
Pause, but if I remember correctly, dude didn't have much definition in his upper body when he was in FCW. I know he didn't transform THAT much since then so maybe that is why they will probably keep him covered up.
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