Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

1. That was part of the issue. I also felt they jumped the gun with Hobbs/Starks breaking up. I felt that was just done to give them something to do vs. It being the right / logical time to do so.

They had a weird match at the PPV and then the 2nd match was just whatever. Not sure if that feud did what they had hoped for but to me, it was whatever.

2. So how was the Starks/Hobbs feud To you?

3. Wardlow was doing nothing. Hobbs was essentially doing nothing, so I guess they felt those two should feud. Again, not expecting much from it nor do I think either of those two should be getting pinned at this point. Those two could be big stars but one will come out on the losing end of the feud.

I think both would be better suited for the WWE system.
Think I remember WWE letting Kenta work a NOAH(?) show back when he was still with them too.

Would be cool if Shovel lets this stuff happen more often.

Yeah he wrestled on Marufuji's 20th anniversary show
Triple H is considering moving the MITB match back to Wrestlemanias

Yea, it doesn't need to be a whole damn PPV.

therealest1 therealest1 Which wrestling companies have you been watching lately?

Which modern wrestlers have caught your eye?

I come in peace.

Absolutely nothing. I'm absolutely not interested in following any modern wrestlers either.

I've just been keeping it in retrospect as usual with trying to peep the A&E specials and stuff on Vice Channel.

The A&E special on Lex Luger was incomplete because it didn't address his steroid abuse or why he has a horse face. What's worse is that he didn't address why he grunted consistently in matches to oversell getting hit or administering a hit.

I'm looking forward to the next season of Dark Side Of The Ring whenever it comes on Vice. They still need to have a 2 hour episode exposing Hulk Hogan as a piece of :emoji_poop: due to the litany of :emoji_poop: he's done for decades. His detrimental acts can easily fill up 2 or more hours.

I've been trying to peep the Tales From The Territories episodes weekly because it's nice to learn about those old promotions.
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