Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

i dislike ftr but they put on two straight great tag matches.

they should have all 3 belts

hopefully red dragon beats dino boys and we get a red dragon ftr fued for the aew tag belts.

This pic gets me every time, :lol:
Hardy's are spot monkeys now slow it down jeff just arrived man.

Oooh man Toni and Jamie :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
Even tho Toni lost that mass I would.,....
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that hardy tag match was stupid and weird. jeff stood on that turnbuckle for awhile then crumpled down. layed on the matt with his legs in the rope.

got eliminated.

spent like 10 minutes outside the ring slowly slithering around like a sloth

then did a swanton outside off the ladder even tho he was eliminated......for the win

I wonder what happens to Wes Lee now that Nash Carter got released. MSK just won the tag titles too
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