Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

tony con really passed on taya while trying to force red velvet and hornswoggles sister down peoples throats. ******* idiot.
Apparently the reigns injury occured during the spear through the barricade spot.

Looks like it may be a triceps injury.


He’s desperate
I'm usually pretty fine with outside people dipping their toe in the wrestling world, but I gotta say I don't have any desire to see Connor come to WWE..He's trashed the product, and the people, too much for him to come in and do something..At least the majority of people, whether athletes or musicians or actors, come into it with either already a fan of the business or have been fans at some point..Connor is neither of those (which is fine)..I think if he came in that it'd come across as super phony and the fans will shart all over it..
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