Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

So with this being the opening to RAW, it for sure sets up a Taker return for later tonight, NO WAY we have Cena vs Punk with nothing major closing out the show......
Trips should come out to "My Time" just once more before he hangs up the boots.
dudes head literally was COVERED in blood the second he hit the pole
camera angle never tried showing the left side of Lesnar's face. they specifically avoid it. thats what make me think its a hardway

Had to be the hard way..As soon as dude hit the floor there was an instant puddle of blood on the mats..So unless Brock is a part time magician there is no way that was on purpose..
If Brock left I wouldn't give a damn, I hate this whole part time crap the WWE has become meanwhile a guy like Dolph is never put over

I get what you mean but WWE will put up with his demands because he's a big draw.
This match better be used to lead somewhere storyline wise

Gonna be pissed if Ziggler gets fed to Ryback for nothing.
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'Bout time we got something that looked like legit violence on Raw..

Heyman's mic work=Gold
Brock bleeding=Gold
Trip's Intro Pop=Gold

Now how longs it gonna take for the E to suck the life right outta this show..
All that is cool until you think about RAW having another 2:35 mins left :smh:
Went outside to do some quick grocery shopping thinking I could make it before RAW starts...end up coming home 10-15 minutes after 8.

I'm parking the whip thinking "eh, no big deal...they're probably starting off the show with Cena blabbering nonsense".

...Turn on my TV and see a bloodied Brock Lesnar and HHH staring each other down.............................................


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