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What are some really good overall ppv's I can watch from any of the three promotions?

And I tried to find myself above the entrance in one of the SF Superbrawls but to no avail. My section was way too dark for me to see anything. :lol:
Watched Heat Wave 98 yesterday..My favorite event of all time that I attended..Sucks that they cut out Bubba's epic promo and that all entrance music (except Taz and Sabu) are edited out to be cheesy CAW music..When New Jack comes out at the end the Natural Born Killers song is supposed to hit, but instead it's some crappy music that you'd expect Virgil to come out to..Plus they edited out cuss words and DVon flipping the bird..Kinda took away from the overall excitement, but still very fun to watch..

Also got through a Fall Brawl..The Ron vs. Super Calo match was really good..Ron Ron hit that double springboard hurricanrana to end the match..And the War Games match, of course, was beyond great..Got so much early WCW ppv's to catch up on..I'm pretty sure they have the Chi Town Rumble that had the legendary Flair vs. Steamboat match..Which should be required watching for all wrestling fans..
Case, went to wikipedia just to refresh my memory on Chi-Town Rumble (surprised there was no copyright infringment yet for the word "rumble" by the WWF). I forgot it was on a Monday night. Don't know how I convinced my Dad to buy this when I was younger.

Never knew that the Flair and Steamboat feuded before that, since we didnt get NWA on tv til about 1984-85, but great match and series of matches to follow. Eddie Gilbert briging him out as a surprise tag partner in the old TBS studio was awesome. The looks that Flair, JJ, and Windham gave when they heard the music.

Hoping I can watch the old PPV's soon once they fix that issue with the 360.
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Watch last years MITB saw the NT sign
Case, went to wikipedia just to refresh my memory on Chi-Town Rumble (surprised there was no copyright infringment yet for the word "rumble" by the WWF). I forgot it was on a Monday night. Don't know how I convinced my Dad to buy this when I was younger.

Never knew that the Flair and Steamboat feuded before that, since we didnt get NWA on tv til about 1984-85, but great match and series of matches to follow. Eddie Gilbert briging him out as a surprise tag partner in the old TBS studio was awesome. The looks that Flair, JJ, and Windham gave when they heard the music.

Hoping I can watch the old PPV's soon once they fix that issue with the 360.

Yeah Flair and Steamboat's feud started in the late 70's if I'm not mistaken..Those 2 have had some of the greatest matches in the history of wrestling..And I think a lot of people forget just how stellar Ricky Steamboat was..I highly recommend anyone whose not familiar with his early work to go back and get familiar with his matches..The man was an absolute machine in the ring, and going 45-60 minutes was a regular occurrence for him..He is truly a legend in the business..
Thanks to youtube and some oldschool wrestling sites, I was able to read up on their feud back in the day. That Mid-Atlantic belt was no joke.

I think its been past my time, but when we were doing wrestler appreciation week, mine was Ricky Steamboat. Knew how to tell a story during a match. Always wanted those tabi/ninja shoes he wore when he first started in the WWF.

How many people are going to the NJPW/ROH show now? My first live wrestling event since being at an ECW arena show in Nov. 99. Need to hit the shows that are in Corona or Elmhurst more often.
Man, Ricky was always one of my favorites..He made every move look so fluid..His arm drag is the best of anyone in wrestling history..I know I'll get flamed for this one, but he is every bit as good as HBK or Benoit or Jericho..The only difference was that he went over 30 minutes in a match more times than all 3 of those guys combined..
Man, Ricky was always one of my favorites..He made every move look so fluid..His arm drag is the best of anyone in wrestling history..I know I'll get flamed for this one, but he is every bit as good as HBK or Benoit or Jericho..The only difference was that he went over 30 minutes in a match more times than all 3 of those guys combined..

I have no issues with this. Being an Asian-American male, I always wished that his prime was during the early/late 90s so that I could have another Asian-American male wrestler who I could cheer for. Most of the Asian wrestlers of the early 90s and 2000s (Taka, Ultimo Dragon, Muta, Chono, etc.) weren't American so those don't count.

The closest guy in the 2000s was Batista :smh:

Also, the fact that Steamboat was known as The Dragon was :smokin (except when WWE put him in that head-dress and made him breathe fire in the early 90s :x )
I have no issues with this. Being an Asian-American male, I always wished that his prime was during the early/late 90s so that I could have another Asian-American male wrestler who I could cheer for. Most of the Asian wrestlers of the early 90s and 2000s (Taka, Ultimo Dragon, Muta, Chono, etc.) weren't American so those don't count.

The closest guy in the 2000s was Batista :smh:

Also, the fact that Steamboat was known as The Dragon was :smokin (except when WWE put him in that head-dress and made him breathe fire in the early 90s :x )

If his career would have started about 12 years later he would easily go down as one of the top 5-6 guys of all time..He had the perfect wrestler build, a great look, and played the good guy as good as anyone..Plus he would've been able to do any move that the guys in the 90's/00's could do..One thing I think that doesn't get mentioned when talking about the Dragon is how strong he was..When he first broke into the business he was absolutely jacked..

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Watching the 97 royal rumble...

man I never realized how much Ahmed Johnson's in ring skills sucked. Lawd I use to think he was the ish. I was 12...I didn't know no better. I just liked that he was black lol.
Ahmed was fairly agile powerhouse that was unfortunately sloppy and injury prone. He could've been huge otherwise, which Vince was really setting up for. I met him at a house show back in 97, awhile before he joined the Nation. Was a real nice dude.
Peep-I met Ahmed too at a fan signing when WWF came to Dayton years ago..He was super nice to everyone..Thing I remember the most was the man had the largest fanny pack I've ever seen in my life..I swear to you, it looked like he had an entire yellow pages stuffed in that damn thing..It was huge!!!..I'm talkin it could have doubled as a duffle bag..:smh:
Ahmed was fairly agile powerhouse that was unfortunately sloppy and injury prone. He could've been huge otherwise, which Vince was really setting up for. I met him at a house show back in 97, awhile before he joined the Nation. Was a real nice dude.

Wonder why my PS3 has the network but my Sony Blu Ray player in my bedroom doesn't? I figured all Sony products would have it...
:lol: Ahmed stayed with the briefcase-looking fanny pack. Since this was early 97, that look was still fairly in. Just remembering everybody at that house show, Taker, Mankind, NOD (with Savio Vega & Chainz), Bret Hart, Goldust, Shamrock, Rockabilly, and Hunter Hearst Hemsley :lol:
You better fix this ASAP. That's like a bat signal to DCAA

I forgot how big Booker T used to look.
Got damn Mean Gene. Put a disclaimer in there man.......:smh:

:lol: DC already got caught slippin twice during Raw on Monday

What are some really good overall ppv's I can watch from any of the three promotions?
Starrcade 1995 is my favorite PPV of all time.
Starrcade 1996 was cool two. Liger/Rey and Ultimo/Malenko and Hokuto/Madusa matches were all solid. Especially Ultimo/Malenko.

Also got through a Fall Brawl..The Ron vs. Super Calo match was really good..Ron Ron hit that double springboard hurricanrana to end the match...
If you listen to the reaction to that move from Dusty and Brain, you could REALLY tell they were astonished. Also, the arm assisted rana he did to Calo from the apron to the floor as wild. I think people in here need to go back and recall how vicious Rey Jr. was in his younger days man. My god.

How many people are going to the NJPW/ROH show now? My first live wrestling event since being at an ECW arena show in Nov. 99. Need to hit the shows that are in Corona or Elmhurst more often.
In there....

Man, Ricky was always one of my favorites..He made every move look so fluid..His arm drag is the best of anyone in wrestling history..I know I'll get flamed for this one, but he is every bit as good as HBK or Benoit or Jericho..The only difference was that he went over 30 minutes in a match more times than all 3 of those guys combined..
You won't get flamed by anyone with sense. Ricky Steamboat is one of the best that ever did it.

Peep-I met Ahmed too at a fan signing when WWF came to Dayton years ago..He was super nice to everyone..Thing I remember the most was the man had the largest fanny pack I've ever seen in my life..I swear to you, it looked like he had an entire yellow pages stuffed in that damn thing..It was huge!!!..I'm talkin it could have doubled as a duffle bag..:smh:
Is he in shape?
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Here is a hidden gem...seeds planted for a heel turn but the Steiners ended up leaving WCW.

Steamboat's arm drags were textbook.
kinda hyped for NXT

Same here. Only 3 matches on the card tho Paige/Emma, Zayn/Cesaro, Neville/Dallas? I'm i missing something or they not promoting the ascension on the biggest nxt show ever?

Edit: I assume the nattie heart, bailey and alicia fox vs the bff's also
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