Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

This was a sweet pin attempt that I have never seen before by Minoru Tanaka:

Match: Minoru Tanaka vs Tiger Mask IV BOSJ Finals 2006 - Video Dailymotion
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@ultimo al

What should I be looking out for from that 12/10/15 Michinoku card? 
The main event is supposed to be something (Sasuke takes a HORRIFYING bump on the beam of a ring).

Peep the latest Podcast Roundup btw you might see a familiar name:


I ain't watch this trash since Rollins turned heel.

But Roman winning the title peaked my interest.

This corny **** really what they got popping right now. 

The writers trying to sabotage this *****.

It's like they're trying to make him a PG Rock but The Rock couldn't save some of these lines.

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