WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

E gave us all the surprises for the whole year last night guys. Wait til next year for any new ones.
So u take an *** whoopin for 20+ minutes last night but can still leap over the top rope...ok
E gave us all the surprises for the whole year last night guys. Wait til next year for any new ones.

I don't know.. I'm surprised they haven't figured out that the announce table is not the immovable object, and does not need the irresistible force to overturn it
Think about it...

we're going to have to wait until SS for the next batch of NXT comeups,

Adrian Neville is probably going to be reduced to jobber status by then


Should've brought up the NXT 5 as a faction.
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The last house show I went to didn't even have this as a main event...

It was DBry vs Kane. Pre-WM 30.

Undercard had Shield vs Wyatts, you could see the botches and hear the spot calls.

And Big E retained the IC championship in a match against BNB.

I haven't seen wrestling live in forever.
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